Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Happy Thanksgiving Day - Love Poems

"Happy Thanksgiving Day" Happy Thanksgiving day everyone.
I hope you had a great feast and had your credentials met.
Some of you may be traveling and I hope u traveled safely to your destination and places.
"Roundabout" In my mind and thoughts you are a roundabout that spins round and round.
"Getting Paid" This Friday, I am getting paid and I'm going to get drunk and stay faded.
One of these days I'm going to have my own house maid then I can say I really have it all self made.
I love money and money loves me.
"Picture It Perfect" Picture it perfect You and me as king and queen A life of no lies "Round and Round" She make my world go round and round.
She is my clown that makes me laugh.
She turns me up and not down.
"Out of Worlds" I'm out of words to describe you because you are more than words can express.
I can write a whole page in the press and still not be able to describe you.
"Her Freckles" Her freckles are stars on a night sky and I cannot help but stare at them with love.
These stars amuse my eyes and it is breath taking like the first day of spring.
"Foul Play Fetish" She tied my arms and legs, stripped me naked, blind folded me and starts to whip me.
She tells me that I've been naughty, bad, made her sad and at times mad.
"Time" Time does not exist.
She freezes my little world when i'm next to her.
"Fire Place" It is getting cold but I will be warm at night.
She is my fire place.
"Hungry Man" I'm on my way home and I'm hungry for some honey buns.
I could use a pair of oranges and I'm fiending for it.
I just can't wait to get home and embrace in my favorites.
"Bedtime" Arms around my neck Her legs wrap around my hip A leap into bed "Made Simple" No fancy words so "I want to do you silly.
" Just plain and simple "Slaves" She made me her slave.
She got me working hard, sweating and breathing hard.
She's mad and she's cussing I don't know how much longer I can last.
Now I got her as my slave bent over and on her knees begging for please.
I can't help but abuse her in many ways.
I got her working on top of me in the air.
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