Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Alpha Male Traits - Lessons From My Near Death Experience

On May 11, 2007 I suffered a serious accident.
Half of my body was seriously burned.
Now I know, from experience, that Nietzsche was right when he said: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger".
I learned a lot of things, from this incident, that helped me grow and become a better man.
This are some of the traits you want to develop to live the life you know you deserve...
Having the right mindset is a key point.
Every area of your life will improve once you develop the right mentality.
When I was in the hospital I made a big effort to maintain a good mood, and my health improved as a result.
I won't lie to you, there were times when I felt desperate and overwhelmed.
I can't find the words to describe the kind of pain I experienced at the time.
But I always kept a positive attitude and a good sense of humor.
For example, the day of the accident, my mother came to the Emergency Room.
She saw me naked and badly injured lying in a bed.
I realized she was disturbed, and was about to start crying.
When she asked me: "How are you feeling", I responded: "Well, if I die today please make sure they don't charge you full price for the cremation", and she started to laugh.
As an Alpha Male you are allowed to feel scared, nervous, worried, or to bear every negative emotion you can think off, that's normal.
But you should not let your emotions control you or your destiny.
An Alpha Male is a disciplined man.
I had to make a big effort to recover movement in my left arm; it was severely injured.
But after several months of therapy it improved a lot.
I realized that when people combine the right mindset with self-control positive results are inevitable.
No matter the goals you have, you need consistency in your actions if you want to see results.
As long as there is life, there is hope.
Remember, it's never to late to start living the life you want to live.
Don't let your past hold you back.
When I faced death, I realized that most of the problems in life are not that important.
I also learned to live in the moment and appreciate everything I had, even the smallest things.
As a bonus, when you live like this women find you irresistible.
Think about the points above stated.
In doing so you will discover you are the master of your own destiny.
I promise you can do, be, and have everything you want in life.
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