Health & Medical Body building

Build Muscle and Burn Fat - Intense Weight Lifting

Most people workout because they want to look better.
One of the biggest misconceptions about getting ripped and cut muscles is that you should do low weight and high reps.
While this does work, there is a much better way build muscle and burn fat.
Many people believe that the best way to get those defined muscles is to do a lot of reps with a small amount of weight.
This way will work, but it will also cause you to lose some muscle.
The reason for this is that your body will realize that it does not need all of this muscle, so it will start to use some of the protein in your muscles for other purposes in your body.
This will actually cause your muscles to shrink.
The best way to build muscle and burn fat at the same time is to do low reps with high weight and throw in some cardio.
You should take every set to failure.
What is failure, you may ask? Failure is exactly what it sounds like.
Your muscles fail to be able to lift the weight anymore.
For example, if you are doing 3 sets of 10, you should do as much weight as you can in order to get 10 reps and no more in the first set.
If you can get 11, move up in weight.
This will force your body to keep all the muscle that it has and to even build more.
This may sound like the total opposite of everything you've read, but it works and will actually help you build muscle and burn fat at the same time.
Doing cardio will cause you to burn off fat, which is the reason that those muscles are hidden in the first place.
Combining intense weight lifting with high intensity cardio will cause you to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, and to get those ripped muscles you've been trying so hard for.
This is definitely the best way to build muscle and burn fat at the same time.
There are many other factors that can help you to get an amazing body even quicker.
There are too many of them to talk about in this article.
If your goal is to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, you should check out my page.
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