Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Skylar. In order to rearrange your icons on the Desktop of your iPad, what you do is rest your finger on an app. They all start to wiggle. So let's say I no longer want Pleco which is a Chinese dictionary on my home screen so I'll pull that over here and let go and I'm going to move it all the way to the end. I do, however, want Phone Drive so I pick it up and I move it over here, I went too far. What you may have noticed is that my finger went off the screen entirely. Don't do that, go almost off the screen and you'll find that with a little practice it's easy to move things around. Another thing you can do is add bookmarks to your home screen. So let's say I'm on a webpage which I visit frequently. Tap the share button and tap add to home screen. Give it a name and tap add. There it is. It will be the last on the list but using the same technique, you can move it wherever you would like. You could even put it in a folder if you've got another bookmark that's stored on your home screen like this one. Now they are in a folder which is automatically named bookmarks. Press your home button and you're done. Thanks for watching. I'm Skylar.