Health & Medical Lose Weight

How to lose weight fast without dieting

The truth is that people are sick and tired of diets and I don't blame them. The whole process of going on a diet, then having to suffer with not eating the foods you like and then having to go off the diet and still be the same as you were before, just sucks. It seems no matter what kind of a diet you try nothing seems to have permanent effect.

Lose weight fast without dieting

Once you understand that diets are not made to help you lose weight, but to keep you on the diet wagon, so you are constantly going on and off diets, making money for the folks who run this whole weight loss business. Usually if a person has been overweight for many years, then he or she has tried many different diets, but none of them obviously have worked.

If you want to have permanent results, then you need to take a different approach. What is the point in going on a "quick diet to lose weight" if you gain the weight back. If you want to solve a problem, then you can´t do it by treating the symptoms, you have to treat the cause. What are the causes of obesity?

Firstly we obviously are not as active as we should be. Just a few generations ago people did mostly hard physical labour, therefore they burned tons of calories and did not gain fat. But now most of us have office jobs, we drive around in our cars and people either don´t want to exercise or don´t find the time for it, which is a stupid excuse. So all the calories that we get with food are stored as fat, not burned away.

The second problem is the amount of food we eat and the quality of the food. Most people eat french fries, pizzas, hamburgers, ice-cream, chocolate and all those foods. How can you expect to lose weight quickly and permanently, if you are way too inactive, eat way too many calories and also eat bad quality foods. It does not happen and it never will. I mean it is not like you go to a shop and make an order of a fit and lean body. "I would like to change my current flabby body, against this firm, sexy and lean body, thank you." You have to work for it with blood, sweat and tears. Okay?
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