- 1). Dress appropriately. Wear a nice shirt and pants or jeans. Be comfortable—you don’t have to wear a dress suit everyday, but you don’t want to wear sweats and a tank top everyday either. Remember these teachers might one day have to write you a reference and your fellow students might one day be your co-workers or bosses.
- 2). Be polite. Smile, don’t talk loudly, especially on your cell phone. Pay attention. Teachers, classmates and others around you will respect you more.
- 3). Be on time. Impress your teachers by getting to class a little early. This also will give you a chance to pick a good seat (not in the back of the classroom), talk to other classmates, or take a break before class begins.
- 4). Strike up a conversation. Even if you are shy, try to casually talk to a classmate or professor before they talk to you. Introduce yourself, talk about the weather or about an assignment. Something as simple as “How was your weekend?” can go a long way. This also could help another classmate feel more welcome.
- 5). Be prepared. Whether it’s studying for a test, reading an assignment or bringing something to class, do it. This will impress your teachers and any classmates who might be in a group with you for an assignment.
- 6). Speak intelligently. Talk clear and concise. Think about what you are going to say rather than simply blurting it out.
- 7). Be friendly. Have good posture, smile and laugh when it's appropriate. Speak up when necessary.
- 8). Express yourself. Whether it’s through a personal touch in your clothing or accessories, a short story at the appropriate time or in your work, be sure to show your personality and be creative.