It was March 2008 and I had the opportunity to have a sit down with one of my mentors Bob Proctor.
During our conversation Bob asked me if I had one question of him what would it be? I knew the answer right away! My question was this...
Why do people know what to do, yet don't do it? Bob looked at me and explained that it one of the biggest challenges people have in putting together the SUCCESS PUZZLE of LIFE.
He went on to say, the world is always searching for men and women who can get things done, for people who are self-starters, who see a task through to its finish.
It isn't how much you know, but what you get done that the world rewards and remembers.
More people are held back from success because they don't know how to get things done, than for any other single reason.
This piece of the "puzzle" demands your full attention.
The biggest handicap to a person's success is not a lack of brains, nor the lack of character or willingness - it is their inability to get things done.
There is a large group of people who know what to do and almost do it on time.
They almost win promotions.
They almost become leaders.
The "Almosts" are not lazy.
Often they are busier than the very effective few.
They putter around, unfocused, all day long and half the night, though they fail to accomplish much.
They are held back by indecision, by the lack of a worthy goal.
Their daily work lacks meaning.
They wander aimlessly and get nowhere because they don't chart a straight course and then STICK TO IT.
It's the producers who raise the world's standard of living.
It's the producers who WIN the big share of the world's rewards.
The producers are those people who have formed the habit of getting things done and who will not permit the "almosts" to get them off course.
Since that day, I ask myself this question daily...
Do I want to be "wandering generality or a "meaningful specific" I choose meaningful specific.
During our conversation Bob asked me if I had one question of him what would it be? I knew the answer right away! My question was this...
Why do people know what to do, yet don't do it? Bob looked at me and explained that it one of the biggest challenges people have in putting together the SUCCESS PUZZLE of LIFE.
He went on to say, the world is always searching for men and women who can get things done, for people who are self-starters, who see a task through to its finish.
It isn't how much you know, but what you get done that the world rewards and remembers.
More people are held back from success because they don't know how to get things done, than for any other single reason.
This piece of the "puzzle" demands your full attention.
The biggest handicap to a person's success is not a lack of brains, nor the lack of character or willingness - it is their inability to get things done.
There is a large group of people who know what to do and almost do it on time.
They almost win promotions.
They almost become leaders.
The "Almosts" are not lazy.
Often they are busier than the very effective few.
They putter around, unfocused, all day long and half the night, though they fail to accomplish much.
They are held back by indecision, by the lack of a worthy goal.
Their daily work lacks meaning.
They wander aimlessly and get nowhere because they don't chart a straight course and then STICK TO IT.
It's the producers who raise the world's standard of living.
It's the producers who WIN the big share of the world's rewards.
The producers are those people who have formed the habit of getting things done and who will not permit the "almosts" to get them off course.
Since that day, I ask myself this question daily...
Do I want to be "wandering generality or a "meaningful specific" I choose meaningful specific.