- 1). Clear off the brick porch, removing any furniture and exterior decor such as plants and flowers.
- 2). Rent a dumpster to dispose of the bricks as you remove the brick porch.
- 3). Plug an extension cord into an exterior electrical outlet or in a nearby attached garage to give you ample leeway to move freely while removing the brick porch.
- 4). Insert a chisel bit into an electric rotary hammer. Tighten the chuck to secure the bit in the drill.
- 5). Start at the bottom step, chiseling the first row of mortar joints that holds the bricks in the first step. Go from one side to the other, allowing the bricks to fall into the recess as the step is chiseled apart. Throw the freed bricks into the dumpster once the first step is removed.
- 6). Continue up to the next step once the first is removed, chiseling out the mortar joints with the electric rotary hammer and chisel bit. Move to the next higher step until you reach the platform, tossing the dislodged bricks into the dumpster periodically.
- 7). Chisel away the mortar joints on the platform, allowing the loosened bricks to fall into the recess under the porch until the entire porch is removed. Gather up the bricks and dispose of them in the dumpster.