Ok, so she dumped you and broke your heart yet you still have your mind set that you are going to get your ex girlfriend back. Things have been a mess lately and you feel like your head is spinning. Everyone is giving you advice and it just seems like anything and everything that you do end poorly. No matter what you do it winds up biting you in the butt and you're sick of the drama.
Talking – You have heard that women like to talk things through so it seems logical that if you gave her the time and opportunity to talk through the problems and come up with a solution that you could make everything right and the two of you could get back together. Right? Wrong!
You are thinking like a guy. You are being logical and making decisions based upon what you think and not what you feel. Women are emotional by nature and they make decisions based upon what they feel. And what makes matters worse is that by bowing down and wussifying yourself by wanting to talk through your problems you have actually made her feel LESS attraction for you instead of more. You have driven her further away instead of pulling her closer.
Nice Guy – You thought that maybe by being nice and understanding that she might see just how much you love her and maybe this would make her want to get back together with you. After all, you hear women say all the time that they are looking for a guy that is kind and understanding and patient…so you thought that by being this kind of guy your ex girlfriend would change her mind and come back to you.
Didn't work out quite the way you thought, did it? While a woman in a relationship will tell her girlfriends about the touching, sweet things that their boyfriend does for them, your ex girlfriend isn't in a relationship with you right now. So your kindness and understanding is coming off as weak and needy. By being nice it makes you appear very desperate since you are being nice to someone that has hurt you.
Now, this doesn't mean that you should be mean to your ex girlfriend but keep in mind that by being overly nice you make yourself look like the little kid who tries being nice to the bully hoping that he won't get stomped. You're never going to earn her respect or make her feel attraction for you by being understanding or nice at this stage of the game.
Instead, take a step back and let the dust settle from your breakup with your ex. Get a hold of your emotions and recognize what hasn't been working in your relationship and what isn't working as you try to get your ex girlfriend back. If you are really serious about getting her back you need to understand a little bit more about what motivates women and what makes them tick.
Once you understand how a woman's mind operates you will be better equipped to push the right buttons that are going to motivate her to want you back. Once you realize that all of that garbage and drama that most guys create is a losing game you will be on the right track. Once you realize that you can control this entire situation and get your ex girlfriend back by attracting her emotionally and pushing the emotional hot buttons that are going to make her want you she will be back in your arms directly.
Talking – You have heard that women like to talk things through so it seems logical that if you gave her the time and opportunity to talk through the problems and come up with a solution that you could make everything right and the two of you could get back together. Right? Wrong!
You are thinking like a guy. You are being logical and making decisions based upon what you think and not what you feel. Women are emotional by nature and they make decisions based upon what they feel. And what makes matters worse is that by bowing down and wussifying yourself by wanting to talk through your problems you have actually made her feel LESS attraction for you instead of more. You have driven her further away instead of pulling her closer.
Nice Guy – You thought that maybe by being nice and understanding that she might see just how much you love her and maybe this would make her want to get back together with you. After all, you hear women say all the time that they are looking for a guy that is kind and understanding and patient…so you thought that by being this kind of guy your ex girlfriend would change her mind and come back to you.
Didn't work out quite the way you thought, did it? While a woman in a relationship will tell her girlfriends about the touching, sweet things that their boyfriend does for them, your ex girlfriend isn't in a relationship with you right now. So your kindness and understanding is coming off as weak and needy. By being nice it makes you appear very desperate since you are being nice to someone that has hurt you.
Now, this doesn't mean that you should be mean to your ex girlfriend but keep in mind that by being overly nice you make yourself look like the little kid who tries being nice to the bully hoping that he won't get stomped. You're never going to earn her respect or make her feel attraction for you by being understanding or nice at this stage of the game.
Instead, take a step back and let the dust settle from your breakup with your ex. Get a hold of your emotions and recognize what hasn't been working in your relationship and what isn't working as you try to get your ex girlfriend back. If you are really serious about getting her back you need to understand a little bit more about what motivates women and what makes them tick.
Once you understand how a woman's mind operates you will be better equipped to push the right buttons that are going to motivate her to want you back. Once you realize that all of that garbage and drama that most guys create is a losing game you will be on the right track. Once you realize that you can control this entire situation and get your ex girlfriend back by attracting her emotionally and pushing the emotional hot buttons that are going to make her want you she will be back in your arms directly.