Can we really manifest prosperity in today's economy? After all, when you "tune in" to watch the news, what you hear can very easily leave you feeling hopeless, not hopeful! YES, we absolutely can manifest prosperity in any economy and this is how to do it.
It's all about your focus, how you feel and your intent...
Centering your attention We want to be "tuned into" what we are focused on manifesting, keeping a positive attitude (feeling good always) and a firm belief that our desire will come to fruition.
This is our key to manifesting anything! As we are changing our thoughts and our mental vision, we are changing our reality.
Thought is energy and thoughts change the balance of energy around us, and that brings changes into our lives.
Personally, I limit the amount of time that I listen to the news each day because I know that when I place my focus on what I'm hearing, I have now made a shift in my mindset which means that my focus is off of what I want to be "tuned into".
I do not want to delay what I am seeking to manifest by shifting my focus on anything else.
To attract into your life what you are requesting does take focus and action.
Law of Attraction is like a magnet in that what you send out into the Universe is attracted back to you.
Your feelings begin to resonate with the Universe.
Feeling good As we hold onto a vibration of feeling good, we become brighter and lighter and people will feel it! You feel it and it feels great!! These two revelations changed my world: How you feel is what you attract and the Universe is full of abundance...
not lack! The Universe is constantly changing, evolving and it is NOT stagnant...
This is GREAT news! Your situation at this very moment is just that...
it's for the moment and YOU have the POWER to change it...
Remember: abundance, abundance, abundance.
The Universe desires for each one of us to have abundance in EVERY area of our lives: Money, health, wealth, happiness, love...
EVERYTHING Prosperity during adversity I encourage you to read Napoleon Hill's book: Think and Grow Rich.
This book was written in 1937 and is one of the best-selling books of all time.
Napoleon Hill said: "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
" This book is proof that in any economy, you can be prosperous as it was written during the great depression.
Napoleon Hill and many others that you will read about in his book believed in Law of Attraction.
Also proof that when you stay focused on what you desire, you can achieve it.
The mind is very powerful! My desire for you is that you receive the very best that is yours by Divine design! You deserve the best and the Universe is just waiting for you to manifest all that you have ever wanted.
So, begin telling the story of how you want your life to be with continual affirmations; making room for all the abundance that is yours.
It's all about your focus, how you feel and your intent...
Centering your attention We want to be "tuned into" what we are focused on manifesting, keeping a positive attitude (feeling good always) and a firm belief that our desire will come to fruition.
This is our key to manifesting anything! As we are changing our thoughts and our mental vision, we are changing our reality.
Thought is energy and thoughts change the balance of energy around us, and that brings changes into our lives.
Personally, I limit the amount of time that I listen to the news each day because I know that when I place my focus on what I'm hearing, I have now made a shift in my mindset which means that my focus is off of what I want to be "tuned into".
I do not want to delay what I am seeking to manifest by shifting my focus on anything else.
To attract into your life what you are requesting does take focus and action.
Law of Attraction is like a magnet in that what you send out into the Universe is attracted back to you.
Your feelings begin to resonate with the Universe.
Feeling good As we hold onto a vibration of feeling good, we become brighter and lighter and people will feel it! You feel it and it feels great!! These two revelations changed my world: How you feel is what you attract and the Universe is full of abundance...
not lack! The Universe is constantly changing, evolving and it is NOT stagnant...
This is GREAT news! Your situation at this very moment is just that...
it's for the moment and YOU have the POWER to change it...
Remember: abundance, abundance, abundance.
The Universe desires for each one of us to have abundance in EVERY area of our lives: Money, health, wealth, happiness, love...
EVERYTHING Prosperity during adversity I encourage you to read Napoleon Hill's book: Think and Grow Rich.
This book was written in 1937 and is one of the best-selling books of all time.
Napoleon Hill said: "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
" This book is proof that in any economy, you can be prosperous as it was written during the great depression.
Napoleon Hill and many others that you will read about in his book believed in Law of Attraction.
Also proof that when you stay focused on what you desire, you can achieve it.
The mind is very powerful! My desire for you is that you receive the very best that is yours by Divine design! You deserve the best and the Universe is just waiting for you to manifest all that you have ever wanted.
So, begin telling the story of how you want your life to be with continual affirmations; making room for all the abundance that is yours.