- 1). Measure and mark the PVC pipe to the required length, using a tape measure and black marker pen. Make a straight perpendicular cut through the PVC pipe at the mark with a handsaw, circular saw or miter saw. Remove all burrs from the sawed end of the PVC pipe by placing a utility knife blade at a 45 degree angle against the inside and outside end of the pipe. Run the knife around the perimeter of the pipe.
- 2). Brush water around the outside end of the cast iron pipe. Push the flexible rubber coupling onto the end of the cast iron pipe, so the end end of the pipe meets the coupling's central inner ridge.
- 3). Brush water around the outside end of the sawed PVC pipe. Push the PVC pipe into the remaining end of the rubber coupling, so that the pipe end meets the coupling's central inner ridge. Tighten the hose clamps on the ends of the rubber coupling with a screwdriver, or ratchet wrench.