Every day you hear of couples breaking up and the story is always the same, one of the parties involved had no idea anything was wrong.
"I had no idea he is losing interest" is the usual lament.
However, in almost every case there were warning signs long before the inevitable end that would have clued her in to the problem.
This article is going to show the top 10 signs that he is losing interest so you can do something about it.
He stops doing things he used to, things that attracted you to him in the first place.
This is usually the first sign something is wrong.
He stays later at work.
This may start off innocently but over time it's almost as if he is volunteering to stay later at work to avoid coming home to you.
He becomes secretive.
If two people in a relationship begin keeping secrets from each other, it shows a lack of trust.
Typically, someone who is an important part of your life is one you SHOULD trust.
When talking about the future, he stops using the term 'we' and starts using 'I'.
Subconsciously, he is not thinking about a future between the two of you.
He spends more time with his friends than with you.
I'm not saying you need to spend every waking moment with your partner, but you should WANT to spend more time with them than anyone else.
Your FRIENDS are asking "What's wrong?".
A lot of times, people in the relationship are too close to the problem to SEE the problem.
Your friends' view isn't clouded by 'love' and can see things you can not.
He becomes more critical of you.
He no longer tries to make you feel good about yourself.
If you ask him how your dress looks and his response is "It makes you look fat".
I'm not saying he should be lying to you, but a response like that shows a total lack of concern about your feelings.
He doesn't get excited when you call or disappointed when you don't call.
Let's face it, you should want to talk to your partner.
He makes excuses to not be with you.
Along with #8, if you truly love someone you will be trying your best to put them ahead of other things in your life.
You may not be able to do it EVERY time, but it should at least be a consideration.
He picks fights over little things.
This is usually a sign things are nearing an end.
He is looking for a reason to breakup with you without looking like the one at fault.
Obviously those are not the only signs that he is losing interest, but they are the ones that seem to come up more often than not.
Generally, if something does not feel right with your relationship it probably isn't, especially if your friends or family are noticing it too.
At least now you have a few signs to look for so you can talk with your partner before things get too bad and you lose him forever.
"I had no idea he is losing interest" is the usual lament.
However, in almost every case there were warning signs long before the inevitable end that would have clued her in to the problem.
This article is going to show the top 10 signs that he is losing interest so you can do something about it.
He stops doing things he used to, things that attracted you to him in the first place.
This is usually the first sign something is wrong.
He stays later at work.
This may start off innocently but over time it's almost as if he is volunteering to stay later at work to avoid coming home to you.
He becomes secretive.
If two people in a relationship begin keeping secrets from each other, it shows a lack of trust.
Typically, someone who is an important part of your life is one you SHOULD trust.
When talking about the future, he stops using the term 'we' and starts using 'I'.
Subconsciously, he is not thinking about a future between the two of you.
He spends more time with his friends than with you.
I'm not saying you need to spend every waking moment with your partner, but you should WANT to spend more time with them than anyone else.
Your FRIENDS are asking "What's wrong?".
A lot of times, people in the relationship are too close to the problem to SEE the problem.
Your friends' view isn't clouded by 'love' and can see things you can not.
He becomes more critical of you.
He no longer tries to make you feel good about yourself.
If you ask him how your dress looks and his response is "It makes you look fat".
I'm not saying he should be lying to you, but a response like that shows a total lack of concern about your feelings.
He doesn't get excited when you call or disappointed when you don't call.
Let's face it, you should want to talk to your partner.
He makes excuses to not be with you.
Along with #8, if you truly love someone you will be trying your best to put them ahead of other things in your life.
You may not be able to do it EVERY time, but it should at least be a consideration.
He picks fights over little things.
This is usually a sign things are nearing an end.
He is looking for a reason to breakup with you without looking like the one at fault.
Obviously those are not the only signs that he is losing interest, but they are the ones that seem to come up more often than not.
Generally, if something does not feel right with your relationship it probably isn't, especially if your friends or family are noticing it too.
At least now you have a few signs to look for so you can talk with your partner before things get too bad and you lose him forever.