Isn't it fun to go to a dance floor, swing your arms, stomp your feet, twist your hips, and just go with the beat? Did you know that it's not really the music that makes you feel good; it's the body movement that does it all? And one thing many dancers do not know, dancing is good for the body as it burns up calories, increases levels of energy, and tones the muscles.
The result is terrific: increased endurance, flexibility, and yes, weight loss.
But how is dancing, especially belly dancing, related to losing weight? First, it is actually a form of exercise.
The difference is that you have more fun, and it is not necessary to go to a gym or somewhere else to do the exercise.
You can sway your hips and make your belly move-right in the comforts of your own home! It is simply fun, convenient, and inexpensive; it can be your perfect choice for weight loss.
If you want to reap the benefits out of belly dancing, you should first approach it as you would any other form of exercise program.
Try a minimum of 20 minutes of session for at least three times a week.
This will definitely improve your cardiovascular results.
And of course, if you are aiming for more pounds off the weighing scale, then you have to do more.
Then again, remember to take it slow.
Forty-five minutes of dancing once a week can be a good start.
Dance until your body gives you the signal to stop; do not reach the point where you are already grasping for air before you stop.
When your body feels comfortable, then that is the perfect level for you to follow.
You can then make belly dancing more complex, and in the long run, last for a longer period of time.
When you are thinking of which music will work best for your weight loss plan, you have a lot of options to choose from.
You can either use drum solos, medium- to fast-speed music, or even slow music.
It all depends on how you engage your legs and hips.
The result is terrific: increased endurance, flexibility, and yes, weight loss.
But how is dancing, especially belly dancing, related to losing weight? First, it is actually a form of exercise.
The difference is that you have more fun, and it is not necessary to go to a gym or somewhere else to do the exercise.
You can sway your hips and make your belly move-right in the comforts of your own home! It is simply fun, convenient, and inexpensive; it can be your perfect choice for weight loss.
If you want to reap the benefits out of belly dancing, you should first approach it as you would any other form of exercise program.
Try a minimum of 20 minutes of session for at least three times a week.
This will definitely improve your cardiovascular results.
And of course, if you are aiming for more pounds off the weighing scale, then you have to do more.
Then again, remember to take it slow.
Forty-five minutes of dancing once a week can be a good start.
Dance until your body gives you the signal to stop; do not reach the point where you are already grasping for air before you stop.
When your body feels comfortable, then that is the perfect level for you to follow.
You can then make belly dancing more complex, and in the long run, last for a longer period of time.
When you are thinking of which music will work best for your weight loss plan, you have a lot of options to choose from.
You can either use drum solos, medium- to fast-speed music, or even slow music.
It all depends on how you engage your legs and hips.