Health & Medical Self-Improvement

My Ideal Life

Many of my mentors have urged doing this exercise.
I've done it a few times now, and find it motivating and inspiring every time I do.
The challenge is to write out what a day in your ideal life would look like.
If you don't have a clear vision to pursue, what are the odds of ever getting there? Just like going on a vacation, you have to plan the journey.
You can't just say "I'm going on a holiday" get in your car and start driving, unless you don't mind not knowing where you'll end up.
To determine what your ideal life would look like, here are some questions to consider.
What would it look like? Who would you like to be? What would you like to do if you had all the abundance you could need? Where would you go? Who would you help? What experiences would you enjoy?" I have a pretty big vision for my ideal life.
On a personal level, I want to give my family the best experiences this world has to offer.
I want me children to get a first class education, and not the traditional way of attending public school to learn how to memorize and regurgitate information.
I want them to learn to experiment, explore, question and analyze.
In my ideal life, we travel as a family helping others around the globe.
We help dig wells and build schools in Africa, Central America and Asia.
We visit a new country every year, so we can experience other cultures, discover how diverse this planet really is and gain an appreciation for how fortunate we are, and a respect for how others live.
My online business allows me the flexibility to work from anywhere, sharing my knowledge and expertise to support others to pursue their true passions and attract abundance into their own lives by providing value to their communities - local and global.
I deliver workshops, and presentations to high schools, corporations and organizations to show others what's possible when they define their dreams and purpose and set out boldly to live their ideal life.
This business enables me to do what I love which is helping others.
Part of our business culture is to give back, and therefore 10% of all revenues are contributed to suitable organizations that also support others to create businesses and become productive contributing members of society.
With my passion to see others thrive, I share my knowledge through books, seminars, audio programs and videos to encourage others to question their long held beliefs about how the world works.
Break free from oppression, bigotry, hate and competition and develop a love for others, appreciation and cooperative spirit to show what the human race is capable of when we all respect, support and love each other for our individuality and unique genius that we all possess.
Outside of my work and family life, I am in peak physical fitness.
I work out on a regular basis to energize my soul, remain fit, strong and flexible.
We eat a healthy, nourishing diet of organic, nutrient rich and delicious foods grown locally or imported from trusted suppliers.
Along with physical fitness, our ideal life includes time for mental, social and spiritual fitness as well.
Reading, listening to inspirational audios and ongoing education are part of our daily routine.
We are surrounded by positive, uplifting and supportive friends who challenge us to continual improvement, and provide the support necessary to achieve it.
Daily meditation, rest and quiet time is beneficial to help us develop our connection to our higher selves, as well as keep our minds clear and sharp to perform at optimal levels.
I know my Ideal Life is not just a dream or a wish because I believe in my own abilities to make it a reality.
I have the desire, the drive and dedication to continual and ongoing action towards it, and know that I get to choose the life I want to live, and have the ability to create it.
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