Dear Loved Ones, Good day to you all on this warm day.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
The warmth within our hearts is ever available.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
For you are very special in your own way.
Please feel free to share these Insights with your friends, family and colleagues to create oneness.
May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect, and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.
Love and Blessings With Love, Gratitude and Respect, Truly, With God All Things Are Possible © Copyright 2007 Spirituality Inside and Out, LLC
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
The warmth within our hearts is ever available.
Tools for life Letting Go! Letting go and letting be.For we are all worthy and deserving of living a Powerful and Loving life in every way.
Allowing ourselves to be present with whatever is going on in the Now.
To be present with life itself is to be present with oneself.
How does one do this when one is carrying a bulk of unfinished business within them? The past experiences, all the hurts, all the assumptions, all the pain, all the lacks, all the expectations and so on.
Where is all this heavy energy coming from? We can always say from the outside forces.
Do we want to give our Power away to others? Or do we want to take responsibility for our thoughts, words, actions and deeds realizing the Power in doing so? "How?" you may ask.
"I have been abused, threatened, beaten, neglected and forgotten.
" The time is here Now, to forgive ourselves and others for our misunderstandings and the ignorance of others.
We can forgive ourselves for not being honest and truthful.
The time is here in the Now to create the life that we so wish to experience.
There is absolutely no benefit for us to hold on to unfinished business within and without.
There is absolutely no benefit in blaming our parents, children, partners, boss and others for our circumstances.
There is absolutely no benefit in not taking responsibility for our own actions.
What is truly beneficial and Empowering is to rise above all these limitations we have created for ourselves and move into a space of new possibilities.
With a clear mind and being all things are possible.
Let us do whatever it takes to positively let go of the past.
Release any and all anger, animosity, hurt, agitation, frustration, sadness to bring ourselves fully to the present to really and truly live a life that we love to live.
Remember, we always have choice.
Remember, we are Brave and Courageous.
Remember, we are not alone, support is everywhere.
Call upon the support of the Universe and everyone in it and you shall receive.
This is the law.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
For you are very special in your own way.
Please feel free to share these Insights with your friends, family and colleagues to create oneness.
May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect, and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.
Love and Blessings With Love, Gratitude and Respect, Truly, With God All Things Are Possible © Copyright 2007 Spirituality Inside and Out, LLC