Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

A Mysterious Older Woman Reveals How to Live Life To the Fullest

Author, entertainer, artist, designer and MOW (Mysterious Older Woman), Constance Feathers, has written a "bizarre memoir" that reveals her take about how to live life to the fullest.
Secrets of A Mysterious Older Woman: Or, Don't Face the Facts, tells the story of a life well lived by a woman who ought to know.
Feathers views life as a "virtual cabaret show, with intermissions," and now she's encouraging every woman to live life to the fullest - and she tells them how to do it.
Secrets of A Mysterious Older Woman is hilarious, filled with advice about how to ignore society's rules - living life to the fullest without being tagged by society as weird or rebellious.
You'll follow Constance through a life well lived - titillating your own life by her true story of an affair with a count and their fairy-tale marriage in a castle in Switzerland.
Feathers never follows the rules of society and approaches every day with an anticipation of good things to come - and they do.
She's a true alchemist when it comes to finding the gold in tough situations.
When she finds herself going through a distressing mid-life divorce, Constance puts a cabaret show together.
The show was called Constance Feathers' One-Woman Extravaganza With Comedy, Song & Dance.
During one performance an eccentric French count was in the front row and fell head over heels in love with the star of the one-woman show.
A torrid affair ensued and the couple trotted off to live in the count's 200 year old barn - haunted by, of all things - cows.
What follows is hilarious comedy and an amazing romp through adventures and misadventures.
After the bloom of love began to fade, Constance and the Count found they had very little in common.
At first, the Count didn't speak English and Constance didn't speak French - so they spoke "body language.
" After they both learned the other's language, they had nothing to speak of.
So, as Constance says, "C'est la vie! There are more than 30 MOW enticing  secrets found in Secrets of a Mysterious Older Woman, the most important of these being, "Don't Face the Facts.
" This means that every woman should ignore society's rules while living her life in exactly the way she wants, ignoring the labels and categorizing.
Women readers will learn valuable tips about how to remain desirable throughout their entire lives, how to avoid hurting the feelings of younger men and much more.
The captivating photos and interesting art add humor and reality to Secrets of a Mysterious Older Woman - bringing it to life in a most innovative way.
Secrets of a Mysterious Older Woman: Or, Don't Face the Facts reads like fiction, but is actually the incredibly uplifting life story of Constance Feathers, a true MOW who has definitely lived life on her own terms - and now shares that hilarity with us.
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