- 1). In terms of techniques to attract a girl, being confident is one of the most important things that a guy can do. Confident doesn't mean being a jerk, or acting arrogant either because that kind of behavior isn't likely to make you very popular with any girls. Confident simply means acting with assertiveness and being sure of yourself. Girls generally find this strong but appropriate trait very appealing.
- 2). What you don't want to do is try and be someone else other than yourself, as this is surely not one of the effective techniques to attract a girl. This will come across as phony, fake, and insincere - all things that you don't want a girl to label you as. Relax and be yourself and if a girl is truly going to be interested in who you are then she will be, nothing fake or extra is needed.
- 3). Avoid being shy or introverted, and if you are like that naturally then spend some time to begin coming out of your shell. This doesn't mean being someone else, it just means showing more of who you already are. Communication is very important with the opposite sex and silence or shyness aren't techniques to attract a girl because the lines of communication aren't open. If you can't think of something to say or aren't naturally talkative then it might help you to work on your communication skills with men and women, basically everyone that will listen to you because the more general talking exposure that you get, the more that your shyness will fade away.
- 4). Refrain from using any cheesy lines or anything that makes it look like you are trying too hard. The last thing that you want to seem is desperate or needy. This is an instant turn off to women and doesn't look good for you at all. Instead, let the conversation flow naturally and don't think so much about what you are going to say.
- 5). Clean up your appearance if need be. Don't wear shabby clothes or have scraggely or greasy hair. Bathe and brush your teeth too. If a girl looks at you and thinks "eww" "creepy" or "gross" you are done before you even open your mouth. Pick up a new copy of GQ magazine and flip through it to get some style ideas, or even better yet - visit some stores in the mall and ask the girls that work there for some style advice. This can help you to beef up your wardrobe and lose your shyness all at the same time.