Health & Medical Lose Weight

Why Can"t I Lose Weight? Are You Making These Common Mistakes With Diet & Exercise?

If you are like a lot of people, you've been struggling to lose weight for a long time.
Sure, you may lose a pound here or there but it always seems to creep back on when you aren't looking.
Perhaps you've tried just about every diet and exercise program out there, too, and just haven't seen the results that you want.
If this sounds familiar, you may be making some common mistakes with your diet and exercise routine that are holding you back and making it harder to lose weight.
If you've been asking yourself "why can't I lose weight?", read on to see what you might be doing wrong.
Before we get going, here's just a quick reminder that you should always check with your doctor to rule out a medical reason for not being able to lose weight, as well as before you start any new diet or exercise program to make sure that it will be safe for you.
Let's get started by taking a look at exercise.
A common myth is that cardio exercises like jogging and biking are the best way to lose weight fast.
It's true that cardio burns a lot of calories and does help with weight loss.
However, you may actually benefit more by focusing the majority of your workout on strength training exercises that build muscle rather than just sticking with doing cardio.
See, the more lean muscle you have in your body the faster your metabolism will run.
Having a faster metabolism means that you will burn a lot more calories even while you are just sitting around doing nothing.
That means that not only will losing weight become easier, but it will also be easier to keep the weight off.
Exercises that build the larger muscle groups in your body like squats and lunges are a great place to start.
And ladies, don't worry about bulking up.
The way the female body is designed you aren't going to get bulging muscles unless you are really trying to.
Instead, your body will become more lean, sexy and toned as you add muscle and start to burn away the fat.
Another big mistake that many people make when trying to lose weight is not eating enough calories.
Most of the fad diets out there are "starvation diets", which basically means that they don't give your body enough calories.
As a result, your body starts to get worried that you are starving to death and goes into starvation mode, slowing down your metabolism to conserve energy in order to keep you alive.
A slower metabolism means that it will be harder to lose weight.
If you have been following fad diets or yo-yo dieting for years your metabolism may be so sluggish that it is making it difficult for you to lose weight.
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