I am sure EVERY guy has had a secret crush on one of his woman friends at some point in his life.
This is totally understandable since the same goes for us! If you are looking for some sure-fire signs she's into you, keep on reading! Does She Like Me As A Friend Or More? Honestly, for most men, the answer to that question is a resounding "no".
Remember, the first thing you MUST do is get out of your ego.
You need to look at the following signs very objectively.
People have the unique ability to spot things that aren't there just because we THINK they might be! 1.
This is one of the oldest and surest signs a woman is interested in you.
Usually during conversation, we will lean into men just to get closer to them.
Just to be completely sure, look at your surroundings.
Does the situation MAKE us have to lean in? Or are we just leaning in because we want you?! Remember, there are always exceptions.
So just be sure to take note of the volume of the music and how crowded the place is.
Smiling and Nodding...
First of all, if a woman smiles at you in conversation, it means NOTHING.
Most times we are just being polite.
However, if we are smiling at you with our mouths AND our eyes (maintains strong eye contact), there is definitely something there.
Also, if we are nodding while smiling this means we are trying our hardest to make an interest in what you are saying.
This is a good thing; we don't do this for everyone!
This is totally understandable since the same goes for us! If you are looking for some sure-fire signs she's into you, keep on reading! Does She Like Me As A Friend Or More? Honestly, for most men, the answer to that question is a resounding "no".
Remember, the first thing you MUST do is get out of your ego.
You need to look at the following signs very objectively.
People have the unique ability to spot things that aren't there just because we THINK they might be! 1.
This is one of the oldest and surest signs a woman is interested in you.
Usually during conversation, we will lean into men just to get closer to them.
Just to be completely sure, look at your surroundings.
Does the situation MAKE us have to lean in? Or are we just leaning in because we want you?! Remember, there are always exceptions.
So just be sure to take note of the volume of the music and how crowded the place is.
Smiling and Nodding...
First of all, if a woman smiles at you in conversation, it means NOTHING.
Most times we are just being polite.
However, if we are smiling at you with our mouths AND our eyes (maintains strong eye contact), there is definitely something there.
Also, if we are nodding while smiling this means we are trying our hardest to make an interest in what you are saying.
This is a good thing; we don't do this for everyone!