Life is said to be beautiful but how it can be felt? The answer is imagination given by best life quotes and funny life quotes. Imagination makes life prettier. Love makes life beautiful but anger makes it worse.The most beautiful thing is to see smiling and the most beautiful feeling is that you are the reason behind it.One day a man asked GOD - "give me everything to enjoy life" and after GOD replied - "I have given you life to enjoy everything". GOD has given us life to enjoy everything and it is upto us that how to enjoy it and what we want.We should look what we have instead what we don't have. These are the best life quotes which is very important or essential for everybody because it give us a proper guidance in every part of life.These best life quotes are much capable to give you proper guidance because it was given by great people. Best life quotes made up by the life quotes which effects most. Best life quotes made by the reality of this world, experience of this world or bla bla bla etc. Actually it is the path which tends to success, dedication, concentration, creativity, fill with positivity or etc. In this world, everyone has to face difficulties because it is the rule of this world but it is not compulsory that everyone has to come out of it.It depends on you, that how you come out of it and that time, these best life quotes worksas medicine for everybody and that to be without price. Some best life quotes are given as-
- "Saw life steadily and saw it whole"- Matthew Arnold
Want to say that enjoy the life with full energy.
- "Real life seems to have no plots"-
Saying that the real life is the life which has no wealth. We come with empty hand and same
applies to going.
- "Life can be said as writing by pen that cannot be erased once it is written"-
This is awesome quote taken by the no. of best life quotes. This quote want to say that, what ever god had written, it has to be applicable.
- "Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment"-
What ever you do at this moment it will decide your future. Present makes future and this is
- "Life is just a part of big picture"
This quote is much real that life is not evrything it is just a part of big picture.