Many might have been of the mind that this no longer matters.
It does matter and it has always mattered and it always will, and when people think it does not matter there is inevitably and unavoidably suffering for many around.
Morality counts and as a society we forget that at our great peril.
Let me explain with particular reference to those who hold positions of leadership although it applies to all of us in all walks of life.
A retired American General who was appointed as director of the CIA has resigned because of a personal affair he was having with a woman who was writing his biography.
It is a sad and tragic situation on a number of levels, but there are lessons to be learned which can save us, and those around us, from embarrassment, humiliation, and deep hurt.
A man can make immoral decisions which are purely selfish and exceedingly unwise and much hurt and pain can be the consequence resulting in waves of shame and rejection.
Shame and rejection are highly serious emotions and many deeply suffer and often wonder if their hearts will ever be healed.
Yes, they can.
It is possible.
How often I have said to certain individuals over the years, "You will smile again", and six or seven months later the ability to smile returns but there scars can remain and people need strength to carry and bear the scars.
Most might have regarded this as perfectly acceptable behaviour in the world in which we currently live.
Character and personal morality still count, whether a man holds high governmental office or serves in some lowly position.
Corruption, immorality and deception cannot be kept under wraps for long, no matter how clever the cover up might appear in the short term.
Banking, businesses, and broadcasting have had to pay a high price when it comes to reputations.
Leaders in every area of life and in every department whether at work or during leisure activities need to be made aware of the necessity of avoiding immorality and the traps which can ensnare anyone when their guard is dropped and they consider themselves to be safe! that can be a danger zone.
Almighty God has said that you may be sure your sin will find you out.
This is more serious than your sins being found out.
The individual will be found out.
When it comes to trying to pull the wool over God's eyes, it is clearly written.
"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.
A man reaps what he sows.
" It can make a man, or woman, ask, "What type of seeds are we sowing? When the plants become visible, what will the world see, and what kind of harvest will we reap?" It is a poignant reminder that society may have changed, but basic morality has not and never will.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and for ever.
That can never be altered, modified, or compromised, for anyone.
This same Jesus enlightens, forgives and restores.
Character and righteousness does matter.
They do count.
It does matter and it has always mattered and it always will, and when people think it does not matter there is inevitably and unavoidably suffering for many around.
Morality counts and as a society we forget that at our great peril.
Let me explain with particular reference to those who hold positions of leadership although it applies to all of us in all walks of life.
A retired American General who was appointed as director of the CIA has resigned because of a personal affair he was having with a woman who was writing his biography.
It is a sad and tragic situation on a number of levels, but there are lessons to be learned which can save us, and those around us, from embarrassment, humiliation, and deep hurt.
A man can make immoral decisions which are purely selfish and exceedingly unwise and much hurt and pain can be the consequence resulting in waves of shame and rejection.
Shame and rejection are highly serious emotions and many deeply suffer and often wonder if their hearts will ever be healed.
Yes, they can.
It is possible.
How often I have said to certain individuals over the years, "You will smile again", and six or seven months later the ability to smile returns but there scars can remain and people need strength to carry and bear the scars.
Most might have regarded this as perfectly acceptable behaviour in the world in which we currently live.
Character and personal morality still count, whether a man holds high governmental office or serves in some lowly position.
Corruption, immorality and deception cannot be kept under wraps for long, no matter how clever the cover up might appear in the short term.
Banking, businesses, and broadcasting have had to pay a high price when it comes to reputations.
Leaders in every area of life and in every department whether at work or during leisure activities need to be made aware of the necessity of avoiding immorality and the traps which can ensnare anyone when their guard is dropped and they consider themselves to be safe! that can be a danger zone.
Almighty God has said that you may be sure your sin will find you out.
This is more serious than your sins being found out.
The individual will be found out.
When it comes to trying to pull the wool over God's eyes, it is clearly written.
"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.
A man reaps what he sows.
" It can make a man, or woman, ask, "What type of seeds are we sowing? When the plants become visible, what will the world see, and what kind of harvest will we reap?" It is a poignant reminder that society may have changed, but basic morality has not and never will.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and for ever.
That can never be altered, modified, or compromised, for anyone.
This same Jesus enlightens, forgives and restores.
Character and righteousness does matter.
They do count.