Health & Medical Self-Improvement

21st Century - Think and Grow Rich

Are you fed up of not having enough money? Lack of money can be a devastating issue for many people.
This issue is particularly prevalent at the moment due to the economic downturn and recession.
No matter what occupation or profession people are in, everybody seems to be affected by a lack of money.
So what is causing this problem? As suggested in his book "Increase your Financial IQ" the author Robert Kiyosaki suggests the problem lies in people's minds.
The brain is made up of three areas, the left brain, the right brain and subconscious brain.
The left section of the brain is academic part of the brain which can analyse, calculate and store information.
The right part of the brain is the creative and artistic part of the brain.
Finally, the subconscious brain is the illogical part of the brain that acts on instinct; it's the most primitive part of the brain but also one of the most powerful.
Kiyosaki postulates that traditional education mainly develops the left portion of the brain and almost completely ignores subconscious development.
That means that very educated people such as doctors and lawyers etc can have extremely developed left brains but terrible subconscious brains.
The underdeveloped subconscious brain creates fear that prevents action.
So for example, even if someone knows that they need to take calculated risks to increase their income, the subconscious mind takes over and demands to play it safe and be secure.
So they take no action or just follow others and hope their money is safe.
Of course in the current circumstances this strategy is simply not working.
It's also the subconscious brain that prevents many from following their dreams.
Even if they want to change career or follow their passions, the subconscious mind will stop them by saying things like, "i need to pay the bills, i need security, I'm not capable of doing this etc".
Kiyosaki also suggests that the most successful people have optimal alignment of all three parts of the brain.
With this knowledge it's essential that we condition our subconscious mind to interact effectively with the left and right portions of the brain.
The results of activating and conditioning the subconscious mind can be astounding.
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