Health & Medical Lose Weight

The Importance of Weight Training in Losing Weight Fast

Many people that are seeking to lose weight do not understand the vital role that strength training plays in helping you to keep excess weight off permanently.
Most people focus on diet and tend to ignore the exercise element.
Even those that do develop the habit to exercise tend to only focus on aerobic exercise however you must not ignore weight training and just think that it is for bodybuilders or only for men since women need to build and maintain healthy muscles too.
Here are some tips to help you lose weight more quickly: Tip 1: Just get started The biggest step is to just get started as this is often the hardest thing for most people especially those that have never been on a weight training program before.
Join a local gym nearby or buy a good piece of weight training equipment and go through a workout routine.
Tip 2: Do not weight train too much Weight training is very stressful on your body and it is designed to be stressful so as to trigger new muscle growth or maintain what you already have.
If you get over enthusiastic and start lifting almost every day then that can be very bad for your overall health and will definitely not help you to lose weight.
Weight training helps to add muscle to your body which is critical since muscle burns calories continuously.
This is important for weight loss purposes since if you can raise your overall metabolism then burning fat becomes a lot easier as it is very difficult and actually potentially dangerous to go on very strict low calorie diets.
Do not even bother trying those starvation diets as again they are very risky for your overall health and well being.
It is not necessary to give up your favorite foods, you may need to lower quantities and portion sizes but if you like a food then go ahead and keep eating it and monitor your weight closely and make adjustments accordingly.
Tip 3: Train heavy for short periods The whole point of a weight training workout is to trigger new muscle growth and not to spend hours and hours in the gym.
A good workout routine can simply consist of 3 sets where the first 2 sets are light sets just to warm up and the third set is your heavy set where you lift the most weight you can for 5 to 8 repetitions.
The key point is to lift heavy enough weights to trigger new muscle growth.
This does not mean you need to do a ton of reps or do reps until your muscles hurt.
Just lift a heavy load for a few reps and that should be enough.
Also know when to draw the line and know that you have built enough muscle and then focus on maintenance.
Weight training can really make a big difference in helping anyone lose weight and stay fit so make it a regular part of your life.
Follow some of these tips to help you get in better shape more quickly.
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