Do you want to improve your sex life? It seems that most people do, whether they are heterosexuals, homosexuals, or somewhere in between.
If you are like most of us, you want more sex and you want better sex, and you want it now.
Don't believe that there is a magic pick-up line, pill, potion, or perfume that will make it happen immediately, if not sooner.
But we do believe that our articles can make a major difference in your sex life, and even in your love life, if that's what you want.
Why not give them a try? We have so many suggestions for improving your sex life that we are putting together an alphabetical list of what to do.
Just so you don't miss out, we are also putting together an alphabetical list of what not to do.
Don't waste all your time, effort, perhaps money, and perhaps love by putting your foot in your mouth when what you really want; we all know what you really want.
We present a double series of articles for the letter M.
The focus here is on magic, massage, and matter.
M is for magic.
Sex can be magic.
Someone is always putting something into or taking something out of a box.
It didn't really disappear.
At least let's hope not.
Those little bunnies are nice and furry.
But don't ever, ever try to saw a lady in half.
In spite of the continued progress of women I have yet to see a female magician who saws her male assistant in half.
Maybe I don't go to enough magic shows.
I'd like to mention one more difference between sex and magic.
(I am sure that you can make your own list).
With sex there's no Poof.
Or maybe for you there is and I've just been missing something over the years.
M is for massage.
I'm not talking about those gritty so-called massage parlors in which a so-called masseuse gives you a so-called massage for two minutes before starting the action.
Learn how to give your partner a massage and integrate this activity into your lovemaking.
This won't be the same as a "real" massage given by a professional masseur or masseuse but it still can be great.
Once you get in the habit you'll want both types of massage.
One more bit of advice: Save the massage table for massages.
M is for matter.
Can you guess how I'm going to start this bit? Size matters.
On the other hand, (let's hope that doesn't mean what it might mean) I remember an experienced friend who always said, "It's not how big he is, it's how mad he gets.
" We do not authorize any drugs or equipment that purport to increase size.
I can understand that many women choose to have breast-reduction surgery, especially for medical or comfort reasons.
But I have never heard of guys undergoing or even contemplating penis-reduction surgery.
I suppose it could be part of his why-tonight-instead-of-waiting-until-we-know-each-other-better argument.
In answer to Maureen's question, "Why the rush," Matthew could answer "Because next week I'm undergoing penis reduction surgery.
" Good luck on that answer, Matt.
And good luck on the surgery.
If you are like most of us, you want more sex and you want better sex, and you want it now.
Don't believe that there is a magic pick-up line, pill, potion, or perfume that will make it happen immediately, if not sooner.
But we do believe that our articles can make a major difference in your sex life, and even in your love life, if that's what you want.
Why not give them a try? We have so many suggestions for improving your sex life that we are putting together an alphabetical list of what to do.
Just so you don't miss out, we are also putting together an alphabetical list of what not to do.
Don't waste all your time, effort, perhaps money, and perhaps love by putting your foot in your mouth when what you really want; we all know what you really want.
We present a double series of articles for the letter M.
The focus here is on magic, massage, and matter.
M is for magic.
Sex can be magic.
Someone is always putting something into or taking something out of a box.
It didn't really disappear.
At least let's hope not.
Those little bunnies are nice and furry.
But don't ever, ever try to saw a lady in half.
In spite of the continued progress of women I have yet to see a female magician who saws her male assistant in half.
Maybe I don't go to enough magic shows.
I'd like to mention one more difference between sex and magic.
(I am sure that you can make your own list).
With sex there's no Poof.
Or maybe for you there is and I've just been missing something over the years.
M is for massage.
I'm not talking about those gritty so-called massage parlors in which a so-called masseuse gives you a so-called massage for two minutes before starting the action.
Learn how to give your partner a massage and integrate this activity into your lovemaking.
This won't be the same as a "real" massage given by a professional masseur or masseuse but it still can be great.
Once you get in the habit you'll want both types of massage.
One more bit of advice: Save the massage table for massages.
M is for matter.
Can you guess how I'm going to start this bit? Size matters.
On the other hand, (let's hope that doesn't mean what it might mean) I remember an experienced friend who always said, "It's not how big he is, it's how mad he gets.
" We do not authorize any drugs or equipment that purport to increase size.
I can understand that many women choose to have breast-reduction surgery, especially for medical or comfort reasons.
But I have never heard of guys undergoing or even contemplating penis-reduction surgery.
I suppose it could be part of his why-tonight-instead-of-waiting-until-we-know-each-other-better argument.
In answer to Maureen's question, "Why the rush," Matthew could answer "Because next week I'm undergoing penis reduction surgery.
" Good luck on that answer, Matt.
And good luck on the surgery.