Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Edible Panties - A Finger Lickin" Good Sex Treat

Of all the lingerie I've found, edible panties are by far the most entertaining.
I love putting on these flavored knickers and then letting my beloved lick them off me.
If you haven't heard of edible panties you're in for a real yummy treat.
Edible panties are usually found in cherry flavor.
They are completely edible and just need your partner to lick them off you.
They are also very sticky.
The Pros There are a lot of good things about edible underwear.
First, they don't have to be just edible panties.
You can get edible bras and edible briefs (for him) also.
Why let him have all the tasty fun? Let your beloved put on the briefs so you can lick them off him.
They don't all come in cherry flavored.
Although cherry is the most popular flavor, there are others, such as strawberry or chocolate that you can add to your intimate collection.
The good thing is, they resemble fruit leather and that makes them all kinds of lickity chewy fun.
The Cons Of course, it's not really as easy as putting on some knickers and licking them off.
These tasty treasures are a bit sticky and they can get caught in your pubic hair.
It's recommended you and your beloved shave your parts before donning this garb.
Also, although you might think its overdoing things, put on some tasty lotion beforehand.
An edible oil (the same flavor is recommended) will definitely prevent unwanted stickiness in your play.
Edible oil is easy to find and you still get the same taste of the edible panties, but with the knowledge you won't be trying to pull candy out of your pubes afterwards.
Other Options If you don't like the taste of leather fruit, they have chocolate thongs on the market you can get instead, genuine Belgium chocolate thongs, actually.
I know you can't resist that.
There is a lovely heart shaped thong for her and one for him with a hole to slide over his penis.
It's tasty fun for your play.
Again, edible oil is good to have around for any kind of edible undies.
If you and your beloved just want a taste of this pleasure play, there are chocolate nipple covers you can have instead.
It's just what it sounds like.
Attach them to her nipples and let him lick them off.
It's almost as good as edible panties, but without all the stickiness.
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