Have you been outraged at the number of child molesters out and about in our society? Why is this happening? Can't we prevent this? Do you have children of your own; how does this make you feel that they maybe living down the street from you? What were your thoughts when you saw how deep child molestation went into the Catholic Church and how many Priests, Clergy and Bishops were involved? Were you sick to your stomach? What about the other places these things keep turning up? How did you feel about the Edward Duncan III fellow who luckily was apprehended by police after they found him with a little girl he had been molesting in a Denny's Restaurant in Idaho? The catch and releasing of these criminals is not working, too often they do a little time, get released and they do it again? Can't we just put them on an island in the middle of nowhere or just shoot them? Why are we subjecting our children to these monsters? Recently Oprah and Bill O'Rielly have been hitting this subject hard and we have been getting a few tougher mandated laws on the books, but are we really any closer to solving the problem? It seems every day there is another case somewhere.
This has to stop.
Think on it.
This has to stop.
Think on it.