Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

5 Things You Need To Do To Get Pregnant Quick

There are quite a lot of couples who simply are just having a very difficult time trying to conceive a baby.
This can be a very frustrating thing for any couple especially if they are already getting older.
Proper timing, right diet, regular exercise and a stress-free lifestyle are some of the key elements to get pregnant quick.
Because of the increasing number of stressors and aggressors in life topped with piling workloads, women are often left wondering why conception is so elusive.
If you want to get pregnant fast, you first have to make your body ready for it.
Women who have a sedentary lifestyle are less likely to get pregnant.
Obesity can get in the way of conception.
You should start including physical fitness activities in your weekly routine to help lose some weight.
Also load up on foods rich in folate.
Folate is a type of B vitamin that can help in the prevention of birth defects.
The FDA has been pushing the intake of folic acid in supplement form to women attempting to get pregnant.
Avoid vices.
Smoking, drinking and late night outs can take its toll on your body.
These vices can reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant.
Also avoid chugging more than a cup of coffee in one day.
According to studies, excessive intake of coffee can cause stillbirths.
In a week, have sex three times to get pregnant.
Not all women have the same ovulation period.
It is difficult to rely on just the calendar method to conceive.
Frequent intercourse can increase the chances of getting pregnant.
Clear your mind.
Stress can weigh you down.
Not only can this prevent conception, this can also prevent you from enjoying your sexual relationship with your partner.
Separate work-related things to your personal life.
You might also want to consider meditation or yoga.
Meditation can allow your body to relax and get rid of stress.
Proper positioning also plays a major role according to many experts.
While you and your partner might enjoy various positions, the missionary position is actually one of the best when trying to conceive.
This position makes way for deeper penetration which will, in turn, allow sperm to be deposited closer to the woman's cervix.
Elevating the woman's hips can also help improve chances of conceiving.
Positions that might involve leaning or standing might prevent the sperm from being deposited in the cervical area.
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