Health & Medical: How Do You Do Meditation?

How Do You Do Meditation?

Ideally, you should meditate for 20 minutes twice a day, first thing in the morning and in the evening. You can teach yourself from books and videos, but it is easier to learn from a practitioner. You may find it difficult to bring the mind to stillness and the discipline of being in a group can be

Health & Medical: How To Meditate For Beginners Is Easy

How To Meditate For Beginners Is Easy

Meditation is one of the best things that we can make the most out of in this world where experiencing stress is one of the things that hinder us from being to make the most out of life as it can affect our health and clutter our mind from too much worrying, tension and eventually cause us to fail t

Health & Medical: How to Meditate Effectively

How to Meditate Effectively

Learning to meditate is a required skill in today's busy world. Many people are stressed and over-worked with their mental physical and emotional health at risk as a result. Meditation has been proven to help reduce cortisol levels (the hormone released during stressful periods) resulting in a

Health & Medical: Living a Meditative Life

Living a Meditative Life

Meditation is a wonderful experience, but so often so many people out there stop meditating and their mind goes back to being extremely busy, active and non-attentive. They leave the meditative state of mind to go back to the every day world. I like to encourage people to truly keep their self in a

Health & Medical: Understanding True Yoga Through Radha-Krishna Meditation

Understanding True Yoga Through Radha-Krishna Meditation

This article educates you about the meaning and purposes of true yoga. Here you will learn the most powerful framework for understanding yoga known as Radha-Krishna meditation. Yoga is actually a spiritual science, and the precepts are at the heart of all spirituality.

Health & Medical: How Yoga Helps Asthma

How Yoga Helps Asthma

From the results of the research made in various Yoga classes across the world, it has been established that Yoga is not only efficient in relaxing the body and mind, but also can improve Asthmatic conditions in those who practice it. Cases have revealed patients of Asthma being able to control and

Health & Medical: Yoga For Runners - The New Big Thing

Yoga For Runners - The New Big Thing

Yoga is nothing new. This special system of physical breathing and posture techniques has been benefited from for over one century. It is so popular among people of all ages all over the world mainly because it addresses problems before they get worse.From the classical system there has developed a

Health & Medical: Yoga Is Good for Your Knees

Yoga Is Good for Your Knees

The knee is a very mobile, thus unstable, joint. Exercise can lead to knee injuries. Yoga can keep you injury-free and on-track toward your fitness goals.

Health & Medical: 6 Tips To Find The Most Suited Yoga Course In India

6 Tips To Find The Most Suited Yoga Course In India

For many of us, our calling for yoga instructor training course takes us to India. You may, however, feel bogged down by the plethora of options - right from the locations to go to and the course style to the yoga institute.

Health & Medical: Inspirations - Healthy Ideals - Dog Dreams and Lazy Days of Tails

Inspirations - Healthy Ideals - Dog Dreams and Lazy Days of Tails

Sitting here watching my best friend and companion laying on the cool concrete of my basement floor, cooling off from the near 30 degree Celsius heat outside. He looks so blissful and comfortable, that I wonder why I don't join him and lay on the concrete also?

Health & Medical: Significance of Yoga For Kids

Significance of Yoga For Kids

Yoga is very significant for healthy growth and development of kids. It ensures dynamic growth in all aspects of child development including physical, mental, moral, social, and spiritual.

Health & Medical: Yoga in Practice: Helping Negative People (Part 1)

Yoga in Practice: Helping Negative People (Part 1)

Do you know someone with a perennial dark cloud over his or her head?Youre thinking: I want to avoid negative people, not waste my time helping them out.What if this person is a family member, or loved one, who has turned bitter for some reason?You care deeply for this person and want to help.

Health & Medical: Teaching Hatha Yoga: Should A Yoga Teacher Be A Vegetarian?

Teaching Hatha Yoga: Should A Yoga Teacher Be A Vegetarian?

If you teach Yoga, should you be a vegan? Are dairy foods and eggs okay? What about goats, chicken, or fish? Yes, some Yoga teachers do eat goat, but not beef. Some people still claim that fish feel no pain, but I never heard that from a Yogi.

Health & Medical: Yoga Poses To Help You Have A Glowing Skin

Yoga Poses To Help You Have A Glowing Skin

If you want to have a glowing skin, here are some of the most beneficial poses that you can engage in: Headstand This is an ideal pose when you want to have a long lasting glow and healthy look in your face. When you stand on your head, blood starts to flow downwards and as a result blood circulatio

Health & Medical: Easy Meditation Techniques in 6 Steps

Easy Meditation Techniques in 6 Steps

Meditation is not hard to do. It may be hard to start, just like anything else. But if you give it a chance and try it, you probably will have a meditation experience. That is to say, you will feel like you actually meditated.