Cobbler's Pose - Baddha Konasana
Updated May 21, 2015.
1. Start this sequence seated in Cobbler's Pose - Baddha Konasana.
2. Sit up on a blanket or block is that is more comfortable.
3. Come into a forward bend if possible.
Knee to Ankle Pose
Updated May 21, 2015.
1. From Baddha Konasana, bring yourself into Knee to Ankle Pose with the right leg on top.
2. Make sure to keep the shins parallel to the front of the mat.
3. Come into a forward bend if possible.
4. Come into Staff Pose - Dandasana and shake out the legs.
5. Repeat the pose with the left leg on top.
Cow Face Pose - Gomukhasana
Updated May 21, 2015.
1. From Knee to Ankle, bring yourself into Cow Face Pose.
2. Come into a forward bend if possible.
3. Come into Staff Pose - Dandasana and shake out the legs.
5. Repeat the pose with the left leg on top.
Updated May 21, 2015.
1. Return to Cobbler's Pose - Baddha Konasana.
2. Keeping the left leg tucked into the groin, extend the right leg out straight on the mat.
3. Forward bend over the right leg, keeping the right foot flexed and the leg pressing down, and come into Janu Sirsasana.
4. Come back through Cobbler's Pose and then extend the left leg to do the other side.
Updated May 21, 2015.
1. Take the legs out into a wide straddle position.
2. Flex both feet and press the legs down strongly, coming into Upavistha Konasana.
3. Forward bend to the center, extending the spine on your inhales and deepening the pose on your exhales.
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Updated May 21, 2015.
1. Start this sequence seated in Cobbler's Pose - Baddha Konasana.
2. Sit up on a blanket or block is that is more comfortable.
3. Come into a forward bend if possible.
Knee to Ankle Pose
Updated May 21, 2015.
1. From Baddha Konasana, bring yourself into Knee to Ankle Pose with the right leg on top.
2. Make sure to keep the shins parallel to the front of the mat.
3. Come into a forward bend if possible.
4. Come into Staff Pose - Dandasana and shake out the legs.
5. Repeat the pose with the left leg on top.
Cow Face Pose - Gomukhasana
Updated May 21, 2015.
1. From Knee to Ankle, bring yourself into Cow Face Pose.
2. Come into a forward bend if possible.
3. Come into Staff Pose - Dandasana and shake out the legs.
5. Repeat the pose with the left leg on top.
Updated May 21, 2015.
1. Return to Cobbler's Pose - Baddha Konasana.
2. Keeping the left leg tucked into the groin, extend the right leg out straight on the mat.
3. Forward bend over the right leg, keeping the right foot flexed and the leg pressing down, and come into Janu Sirsasana.
4. Come back through Cobbler's Pose and then extend the left leg to do the other side.
Updated May 21, 2015.
1. Take the legs out into a wide straddle position.
2. Flex both feet and press the legs down strongly, coming into Upavistha Konasana.
3. Forward bend to the center, extending the spine on your inhales and deepening the pose on your exhales.
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