- 1). Lie on your back with your feet extended and flexed, toes drawn up towards your torso. Prepare for the sleeping big toe pose by placing a yoga block at arm's reach on the right side of your body.
- 2). Rest your left hand on your left thigh and inhale deeply. As you exhale lift your right leg straight up to the sky, keeping the foot flexed. Inhale, pushing up through the heal and then exhale, lowering your leg directly out to the side.
- 3). Bend your knee and lower the leg if it is painful to keep the leg straight and then carefully move your yoga block just under the leg, just above the knee. Reach out with your right hand to grip either your big toe between thumb and index finger or rest the hand on the knee.
- 4). Turn your head to the left and relax into the pose for five deep breaths. When ready, inhale as you lift your leg to center and exhale the leg down to your starting position. Repeat on the opposite side.
- 5). Continue practicing the sleeping big toe pose with a yoga block, pushing it further and further down your leg towards your foot until you can perform the pose comfortably without support.