Health & Medical: Mind and Brain - Exploring the Connection Between Buddhism and Neuroscience

Mind and Brain - Exploring the Connection Between Buddhism and Neuroscience

The relationship between the mind and the brain is one of the enduring mysteries of science, equal in importance to the quest for a grand unifying theory between general relativity and quantum mechanics. The teachings of Siddhartha Buddha - arguably the most respected of all the contemplative tradit

Health & Medical: Yoga Therapy Introduction

Yoga Therapy Introduction

The answer lies in a specially adapted form of yoga known as yoga therapy. This is gentler and easier than standard yoga, and takes into account the stiffness and immobility of arthritic joints. Yoga therapy for arthritis has been available for more than forty years in the West, but only at speciali

Health & Medical: Laughter Yoga In New York

Laughter Yoga In New York

Laughteryogais a series of yogic exercises undertaken voluntarily, with the express purpose of inducing laughter. To understand the dynamics of such a session, please visit

Health & Medical: Physical Yoga Practice for Active Seniors

Physical Yoga Practice for Active Seniors

It is never too late to create a healthy lifestyle, stimulate the mind, and tone a healthier body. Yoga practice for active seniors is "the icing on the cake."

Health & Medical: Yoga is Like Sex

Yoga is Like Sex

If you do yoga, you know that it's seductive. That delicious feeling of stretching from the inside out; that soothing sensation like warm honey flowing through energized limbs; and the "big payoff" at the end of a practice: floating away into the infinite. You can't access this i

Health & Medical: Yoga And Meditation: Energy For Mental Well-being

Yoga And Meditation: Energy For Mental Well-being

To perform yoga and meditation, once you are comfortably settled in the posture you have chosen, such as the Lotus position or sitting on the floor tailor fashion, you may begin your meditation in one of two ways

Health & Medical: Karma Yoga or Destiny

Karma Yoga or Destiny

Involvement of body, mind and soul, which is of course what most of us do anyway in our daily lives, personal and career wise. We tend to think, "Is this right for me? Will this make me happy? Will this bring good results? And then we go ahead and do it.

Health & Medical: Who Else Wants Lots Of Free Tips To Trim Down That Belly Fat

Who Else Wants Lots Of Free Tips To Trim Down That Belly Fat

Refrain up to possible from soft drink and similar beverages. With that said, the very best exercises I actually do suggest for toning your abdominal area are none other than normal ab crunches, aspect crunches, and leg raises.My web site ... Trimdownclub

Health & Medical: Yoga Teacher Certification - From Rookie to Yoga Master

Yoga Teacher Certification - From Rookie to Yoga Master

A really good Yoga course would include learning materials that includes features such as: Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology, Asanas, Modifications, Yoga philosophy, Yoga teaching methodology, Adjusting posture (asana) alignment, Chakras, Bandhas, Mudras, Yamas, Niyamas, pranayama, Meditation and Rel

Health & Medical: The Typical Yoga Wear

The Typical Yoga Wear

Yoga has become a big deal with men and women alike. There are many who have found that this is the way to go, but you have to dress for when you do this. This brings about the topic of what is the typical yoga wear? You can read about this right here and learn if this is something you feel like doi

Health & Medical: Benefits of Meditation - Why You Should Give Meditation A Try

Benefits of Meditation - Why You Should Give Meditation A Try

Meditation is an ancient technique which anyone, anywhere at any time can employ to order and to still the mind, experience true relaxation and restore personal peace and inner balance. These inner benefits inevitably produce positive results in our outer lives as well. We work more efficiently.

Health & Medical: Yoga For Beginners: Doing the Plank Pose

Yoga For Beginners: Doing the Plank Pose

In yoga, the plank pose is designed to strengthen your arm muscles and abdominal muscles. Follow these instructions on how to position yourself into the plank pose.

Health & Medical: Can Hand Yoga Relieve Stress?

Can Hand Yoga Relieve Stress?

One day while Earl was working, his observation was absorbed by one of his colleagues, named Alice, who peacefully sat at her own desk holding her hands in a rather odd position. And her eyes were not open; it seemed as if she was asleep or lost deep in thoughts. Earl's inquisitiveness piqued b

Health & Medical: O Mani Padme Om: Discover The Potential Of The Buddhist Mantra!

O Mani Padme Om: Discover The Potential Of The Buddhist Mantra!

O Mani Padme Om is the mantra that the Tibetan Buddhists use in the course of their meditation. They believe that saying the mantra, either out loud or mentally to you, helps you by summoning the favors of Cherenzig, the personification of compassion in the Buddhist religion.

Health & Medical: MeditationImmense Benefits To Enjoy

MeditationImmense Benefits To Enjoy

Once your total being gets absorbed in meditation, all the stress and strain you experience in your daily life will slip away from your shoulders. Within a few minutes, you would feel physically as well as mentally refreshed and rested. Read more here about the benefits of meditation.

Health & Medical: Another Type Of Guided Meditation

Another Type Of Guided Meditation

Just to start with, you must know that I am the biggest skeptic of them all. I don't buy in to anything very quickly. So when I heard about channelled meditation, I was completely skeptical. For those who don't know what channelled meditation entails, I'll explain.