Health & Medical Yoga

Another Type Of Guided Meditation

A voice channel, someone who has the ability, will put aside their ego and allow an ascended master to use their body/voice to channel information to us, in the form of a meditation.
In other words, some disembodied spirit is going to possess someone's body and then lead us in a guided meditation.
I like to think I have an open mind and I am definitely always keen to try something new, so I go to my first channelled meditation.
Expecting to find a bunch of acolytes in dark clothing, swaying to some unheard beat, all there to witness the possession of some poor woman.
I was sorely disappointed to find a collection of completely normal people.
An incredible spectrum of cultures, traditions and stations in life; the kind of spectrum that only South Africa can offer.
Each and everyone a warm, open and inviting human being.
Needless to say, these sessions and these people have become a highlight in my life.
And the voice channel herself? Well, I was expecting some tranced out hippie that had done too much LSD back in the day when it was still cool to do so.
Instead, I meet Michelle Eloff.
A loving and open person, a devoted mother, very anti-drugs and just so not a hippie! Michelle has been channelling since 1996 and still channels regularly today.
Michelle channels ascended masters such as Kuthumi, Jesus and Merlin, to name but a few.
Some of the channellings will even include a few ascended masters in one session.
There is no regular formula for one of these meditations but they usually include: general information about a specific spiritual topic and a guided visualization where this information is imprinted on an unconscious level.
I can't really comment about what happens on an unconscious level because it's on an unconscious level.
What I can say, is that these meditations always leave me feeling relaxed and energized.
My whole body will buzz for days afterwards.
And for some or other inexplicable reason, my days just seem to be brilliant, no matter what happens.
I am more creative, inspired and motivated after one of these meditations.
Life just seems brighter and more beautiful, but it's not the world that's changed, just my perspective.
The biggest surprise of all, is the corresponding change in my world.
As soon as your world view shifts, so does your world.
As a result of these meditations, my life has taken a complete left turn and I'm loving it! I have done guided meditations and they are a very valuable tool in today's society.
I don't undervalue their power; I just personally believe that channelled meditations leave me that much better off.
If you are the kind of person who can try anything new, with an open mind, then I would recommend that you try a channelled meditation, you might just change your life.
How about that? Just download an mp3 of one of her sessions, put your earphones on (makes it more immediate) and relax as you allow yourself to experience something new.
At the very least it will make for a welcome release from your TV, for just one night.
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