Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Did You Know Petroleum, Diesel Fuel, and Oil Spills Often Attract Lobsters?

Did You Know Petroleum, Diesel Fuel, and Oil Spills Often Attract Lobsters?

Call me crazy if you want but I always like to look on the bright side of things, perhaps it goes back to my father's or his father's philosophy of life. And that goes for whatever is happening, whether it's a terrible tragedy, major catastrophe, or just a little inconvenience in my l

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Pride Of Brunette Icons

The Pride Of Brunette Icons

There are so many brunette icons around. The brunette trend has been seen very actively in the iconic light. There are so many stars who boast of the hair color. It is vital to appreciate your individual color of hair and, the brunette girls have stood up to showcase what they are all about. The bru

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Why Rupert Murdoch Can Afford to Run Loss-Making Papers

Why Rupert Murdoch Can Afford to Run Loss-Making Papers

For nearly a century the archetypal media barons held a near monopoly on the world's news with a business model that effectively controlled all access to a mass audience. It was a commercial gate through which advertisers had to pass, as well as an information gate through which news was filter

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Kashmir heading for environmental disaster

Kashmir heading for environmental disaster

Uncontrolled tourism, far too many vehicles letting off noxious fumes, legal and illegal felling of trees is rapidly deteriorating the Valley's environment

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Creating Student Success In The Classroom

Creating Student Success In The Classroom

There is a lot of pressure to raise student achievement in our public schools today. This article explores several options that school administrators and teachers have to raise achievement levels without sacrificing quality education.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: To Be a Jew Is to Belong

To Be a Jew Is to Belong

By following the laws we recognize its authority as a structure of our religiosity and commitment. Without this law, as a prophet used to say, a Jew is a ghost, with a soul and no body. With only the law and nothing else, the Jew is a mere corpse -a body without a soul.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Before You Say I Do See A Pre Marital Counselor

Before You Say I Do See A Pre Marital Counselor

Counseling prior to marriage really pays off, according to a four-state survey of over 3,000 households published by Scott Stanley in the Journal of Family Psychology (March, 2006). According to the survey, couples who completed marriage counseling were 31% less likely to divorce than those who did

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: 3 Sure-fire Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

3 Sure-fire Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

Have you recently had a breakup with your Ex? Do you want to mend the relationship and get together again? But, you do not know whether your Ex wants you back. How to find out the tell tale signs your Ex wants you back? Read this article and I will share with you few sure-fire tips to get answers to

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: 2012 - End of the World

2012 - End of the World

Have you seen the promos for the new film 2012? The premise for the movie is that the end of the world will occur in that year. Supposedly, the Mayans who were great astrologers, were able to predict when the world would end.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Numerous Strategies Of Finding The Most Effective Resistance Bands

Numerous Strategies Of Finding The Most Effective Resistance Bands

Presently We are speaking about resistance replacements, also referred to as resistance bands, weight loss bands and physical activity bands, along with how come it is vital you don't only chose the lowest priced establish or maybe the establish that appears a real bargain this is because it ha

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Should You Break Up And Get Back Together

Should You Break Up And Get Back Together

A friend of mine recently broke up with her boyfriend, but started having second thoughts about the breakup. She asked me if I thought they could break up and get back together. I told her that I thought it depended on these few things.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: My Stance on Occupy Wall Street

My Stance on Occupy Wall Street

Chaos and Controversy, arrests, and of course charges of police brutality all seem to be part of the bigger picture in the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations and campout. But, what are a bunch of Americans who live in the greatest nation in the history of mankind complaining about this ti

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Air-purifying Respirators And Their Features

Air-purifying Respirators And Their Features

There are many applications for respirators that also purify the air at the same time. Firefighters, the military, and even other industries require this kind of protection for their personnel in vari

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Sao Paulo - Down to the Last Drop

Sao Paulo - Down to the Last Drop

Unlike sudden natural disasters like earthquakes, tornados and tsunamis, droughts progress at such an imperceptibly slow pace that municipal governments find themselves in a sudden emergency. With the combination of rapid climate change and the emergence of mega-cities worldwide, droughts are the ne