Have you seen the promos for the new film 2012? The premise for the movie is that the end of the world will occur in that year.
Supposedly, the Mayans who were great astrologers, were able to predict when the world would end.
It seems that there has been a rash of movies that have come out on the same topic of the world ending.
I guess this type of film really brings in the film goers.
However, if you think about it, there must be another reason why these films are coming about.
Throughout the world, there is so much suffering that is due to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
Basically, the poor and disenfranchised seem to think that no matter what they do and how hard they work, it is difficult for them to succeed.
As a result, frustrations are boiling over, and you can see this reflected in our society.
Sometimes, films are a reflection of our society, and 2012 is an example.
With the threat of nuclear war at hand, there is always a possibility that today will be our last.
Now, do I believe in the hype of 2012? Nope! Do you remember the hoopla over the Y2k virus? It was supposed to cripple the economy and cause a great deal of destruction? What happened? Nothing much! Only a few computer systems were affected, and nothing else really happened.
After 2012, there will probably be another conspiracy theorist stating that 2020 is the real date of destiny!
Supposedly, the Mayans who were great astrologers, were able to predict when the world would end.
It seems that there has been a rash of movies that have come out on the same topic of the world ending.
I guess this type of film really brings in the film goers.
However, if you think about it, there must be another reason why these films are coming about.
Throughout the world, there is so much suffering that is due to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
Basically, the poor and disenfranchised seem to think that no matter what they do and how hard they work, it is difficult for them to succeed.
As a result, frustrations are boiling over, and you can see this reflected in our society.
Sometimes, films are a reflection of our society, and 2012 is an example.
With the threat of nuclear war at hand, there is always a possibility that today will be our last.
Now, do I believe in the hype of 2012? Nope! Do you remember the hoopla over the Y2k virus? It was supposed to cripple the economy and cause a great deal of destruction? What happened? Nothing much! Only a few computer systems were affected, and nothing else really happened.
After 2012, there will probably be another conspiracy theorist stating that 2020 is the real date of destiny!