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The Prison Industries In The United States- Is It For Law Enforcement Or Big Business?

Did you know that the United States, the leader of the free world has more people in prison than the world's largest populated country?  The United States always accuses other  countries  about human abuse and yet we seeing that right here in our backyard.   Country such as China with almost 2 billions people don't have as much prisoners we have in this country.  It has being said that every 3 people on earth one is Chinese.  I don't believe the U.S should go around the world preaching  freedom and justice and she does not  practice it herself.

 This countrty is the land of opportunity and will always be.  I always believe this country is the opportunity provider for those that want to change their lives.  Our justice system has missed the opportunity to provide that opportunity to the almost three millions prisoners in the U.S alone.  Most of these prisoners are monority.  The worse thing about this situation is there is no comprehensive program to help these people get back to normal life after prison.  As a result they will eventually end up back in prison.  This is something we must confront, until then justice will be a thousands of miles away from many good people who were wrongfully convicted.

 Now let's understand what fuel so many prison camps.  Did you know that some of the goods and services sold on the market are created in prison including military equipments?  This means the big guys that invest in the prison industries has found a pot of gold.  They don't have to worry about workers strikes, paying unemployment insurance, compensation time or vacation.  All their workers are full time, and and never arrive late, or absent because of family problems.  As you know companies love to cut cost and make profits so this is no brainer.  More over if they don't like the 25 cents an hour and refuse to work, they are locked up in isolated cells.  By the way, this article is not written to defend criminals and their behaviors.   This is to also let the public know that we also have too many leaks in the system.  It has being proven by dna test that lot of peopple in prison today did not commit the crime, and were wrongfully convicted. 

 According to California prison focus, "no other society in history has imprisoned so many of its own citizens."  The U.S holds 25% of the world's prison population, but only 5% of the world's people.  25% percent more than the country she always accuses of human rights violation, China.  The prison industry is one of the fastest- growing industries in the U.S and its investors are on wall street.  This industry has its own websites, conventions, and trade exhibits.  This is the statistics they been hidding from you, but the truth can no longer be hidden my friends.  Again the government must do the right thing by locking people up who will not obey the laws, and violate others rights.   In doing so, the justice system must not discriminate because of race or religion, sex, or country of origin.  I believe there are good people in this country who want to see a fair system, and I hope to work with these people and spread the news.  The story continues.....for those interested in fighting for true freedom and want to be financially independent visit my resource box at email: phone: 612-363-7576
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