Society & Culture  & Entertainment: My Top 10 Books

My Top 10 Books

For a loner like me who almost never shares the deepest feelings with anyone, books were a great solace. I could find half of the answers about my questions on life through books, the rest of the answers came from my experimentation with life. Thus books became an integral part of my existence.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Book - Go For No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There

Book - Go For No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There

This book is a quick read with short chapters, there is no time for you ADD to kick in. Many of the chapters have a cliffhanger which makes you want to read on. This is a fictional story set to teach the authors business philosophy. It also introduces motivation to the reader in a different way.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Our Reality Is Modifiable

Our Reality Is Modifiable

Years ago when I was still riddled with depression and chronic illness, a person told me, "you created your life, if you don't like it change it" at that time my thoughts were- how insensitive can this person be? How could they suggest that I was the cause of the horrible traumatic th

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How Successful People Think - A Review

How Successful People Think - A Review

Do successful people think differently than unsuccessful people? John C. Maxwell thinks so and has written another book, based on the premise that successful people have one thing in common -- how they think -- and that anyone can learn that skill.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Be Charmed by Charm City Cakes in the Ace of Cakes

Be Charmed by Charm City Cakes in the Ace of Cakes

Ace of Cakes: Inside the World of Charm City Cakes by Duff Goldman, who is the Food Network's "Ace of Cakes," gives readers what is the inspiration behind some of the most amazing cake creations in the world. With its glorious collection of photos, illustrations, stories, reflections,

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Final Bound

Final Bound

As a young man on the high school football team, winning time and again to the delight of the crowd, cheerleaders praise us, of us all are proud, the year long and arduous, each game closer to the coveted championship crown, playing in the regional, favored to win, more than enough adrenalin to go a

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Sherlock Holmes and Detective Fiction

Sherlock Holmes and Detective Fiction

Before the world was treated to the many 'flavors' presented by motion pictures, people had other brilliant ideas to entertain themselves. They exercised their imaginations through reading all sorts of books and related forms of written literature.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Novice's Tale by Margaret Frazer

The Novice's Tale by Margaret Frazer

Margaret Frazer's novel, The Novice's Tale is the first in the series featuring Dame Frevisse of St. Frideswide.Ms. Frazer spins a fascinating tale of murder and conspiracy within the walls of a fifteenth century convent set during the realm of Henry VI.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Wedding Photo Book

The Wedding Photo Book

The wedding photo book is a great way to benefit from all the photographs that are taken on your big day but it is also the ideal gift item to give to any couple about to get married. You can include literally hundreds of different photos and customize the front and back cover as well as each of the

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Last Trumpet [A Prophetic Poem: now in Spanish and English]

The Last Trumpet [A Prophetic Poem: now in Spanish and English]

I can't start to tell you the history behind this poem: but what I can share is this, it was made up of 50-visions, Dennis had in l984 (7-months of visions, and 18-months in writing the poem), and he gave the Manuscript [MS] to two clergy, and one died, and that MS got lost; and the other one l

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Acrostic Tribute to Ban'ya Natsuishi

Acrostic Tribute to Ban'ya Natsuishi

Ban'ya Natsuishi (pen name Masayuki Inui) was born in Japan in 1955. He received a Master of Arts from Tokyo University. He serves as a Professor at Meiji University, Director of World Haiku Association (WHA), and President of Ginyu Press. He has attended many international poetry and haiku fes

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Fords - An American Epic by Collier and Horowitz - Book Review

The Fords - An American Epic by Collier and Horowitz - Book Review

This sweeping biography of the Ford family associated with the famous automobile company is worth the read. Beginning with Henry Ford's ancestry and tracing the family and the company through 1987 it gives an insightful view to the eccentricities of the family members as well as his development

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Peanut Butter & Jelly by Mike Toy & Audrey Jung

Peanut Butter & Jelly by Mike Toy & Audrey Jung

Mike Toy has a knack for turning a serious subject and a light humor to create a book on dating into an adventure in fun and laughter. In "Peanut Butter & Jelly" he converts amusing circumstances into dating guidelines, practical tips, and thought provoking spiritual applications. He provi

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Empty Pocket Divorce

Empty Pocket Divorce

A person has been taken of their money threw a divorce and continues to look forward. The bad made a way for reality to set through.