Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Secrets to Dog Training - Can You Really Learn Them?

Secrets to Dog Training - Can You Really Learn Them?

People often get frustrated when they are trying to train their dog or change their behavior. They read many books and try to apply the various principles with no result. They wonder if there is a secret that they are not aware of. The good news is that there are secrets that you can easily learn.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Guy Gets Girl EBook Review - Tiffany Taylor

Guy Gets Girl EBook Review - Tiffany Taylor

Guy gets girl review is a great product for anyone to have. It is a great plus if you are able to buy it and go through it. The cost of it is not too great for the wealth of information that you get from it.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Want Your Ex Back?A Good Lesson From Being Robbed at Gunpoint!

Want Your Ex Back?A Good Lesson From Being Robbed at Gunpoint!

Can you learn something from being robbed at gun point? Yes you can and this will help you in your love life. I have learned this from T. Dub Jackson when he explained it in the Magic of Making up System. After the initial contact is established. You want to set up the scene for your first date. You

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Complete Guide to Environmental Careers - Book Review

The Complete Guide to Environmental Careers - Book Review

I just finished reading "The Complete Guide to Environmental Careers in the 21st Century." As an author and consultant in the green work field, I try to read everything I can get my hands on that is related to green issues. I would rate this book as average at best, it is a good book, but

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Gamblers by John Pearson Book Review

The Gamblers by John Pearson Book Review

The Lord Lucan murder mystery is one of the most enduring of the late twentieth century, but this book throws an interesting and very different light on the possible eventual outcome.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Facebook Updates: How Frequently Should You Update Your Page

Facebook Updates: How Frequently Should You Update Your Page

According to Mari Smith, Facebook expert and author of 'Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day', there is a direct corelation between frequency of posts and number of fans. However, she also warns that you do not want to overwhelm your fans by posting too much.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Everyone Must Feel Safe

Everyone Must Feel Safe

The ceiling in Rachel Corrie's second grade classroom had rules hanging from it. Years later, the only one that she remembered was "Everyone Must Feel Safe." That rule seems a philosophical impetus to joining the International Solidarity Movement in Gaza in 2003.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: A Journey To Disillusionment - By Shehbaz Khan Mazari

A Journey To Disillusionment - By Shehbaz Khan Mazari

This is an autobiography, a political history of Pakistan by one of the scions of a prominent Baluch family and a practicing politician. It is also an indictment of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan and his politics. Coming from a Baluch chieftain, it gives rare insight into the

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Stories and Short Poems for Kids: A Family Reading Night

Stories and Short Poems for Kids: A Family Reading Night

Reading stories and short poems for kids aloud to your children is a critical step in teaching your child to read, but it has a wonderful hidden benefit as well. When you take the time to read to your children you are taking time with them, with no distractions, no cell phone, no computer, no TV. Yo

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: A Friday to Remember

A Friday to Remember

"When a lion eats a bad person and it is not killed, tomorrow it will eat a good person" - Zambia It happened eight years ago. To be precise on Friday, the 17th day of November, 2006. After a stressful week, Bode earnestly looked forward to his TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) night out.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Pulchritude: A Review

Pulchritude: A Review

Pulchritude is the novel version of the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. Ana Mardoll has done a nice job of bringing this timeless classic to life. The story is told through the perspectives of each of the characters in turn. The result is an enjoyable read, looking forward to an ending we already k

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: A Brief History of Time: A Book Review

A Brief History of Time: A Book Review

This is a review of the best selling book, "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking. It is a book on physics written in a way that can be understood by a layman.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Alien Attacks on Deep Sea Human Oil Rigs Continue - Sci Fi Short Story

Alien Attacks on Deep Sea Human Oil Rigs Continue - Sci Fi Short Story

In his science fiction short story we will discuss an alien species that is more advanced than human civilizations, which lives underground, and under the ocean in the deepest depths. Their species is very similar to humans, but they cannot interbreed with humans without genetic manipulation. This o

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Seekers by John Jakes

The Seekers by John Jakes

The business Kent and son was doing well and it could have been a good opportunity for a young man starting out. Abraham didn't know what he wanted to do but he knew it wasn't that. He wanted a break from his father's control. She is both physically unhealthy and a little mentally cha

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Smell by Radhika Jha - A Very Unusual and Intriguing Story

Smell by Radhika Jha - A Very Unusual and Intriguing Story

A very thought provoking, entertaining, simplistic and sensual story of an Indian girl who has an unusual power of smell. A power that guides her, transforms her, arouses her, makes her unique and exotic, yet threatens to destroy her completely.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Book Reviews - Dichroics - Art Glass All Dressed Up - Jackie Paciello-Truty

Book Reviews - Dichroics - Art Glass All Dressed Up - Jackie Paciello-Truty

This book is excellent for the new dichroic glass hobbyists. It covers many of the fundamentals of what to do/what not to do in working with dichroic glass and could save the novice many failed attempts.Any glass artist should have a selection of books to guide them as a source of inspiration and re

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Gospel According to Sidney Welles

The Gospel According to Sidney Welles

Sydney Welles was one of those career women that seemed to have everything figured out and running smoothly. However, that which works so well on paper does not always translate into reality quite so seamlessly. Dumped by her boyfriend for a shapelier blond, she throws herself into work. Assigned, b

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Poems - Radiance

Poems - Radiance

I am submitting my poems just for your review and comments. I am pleased, if you can share your poems or experiences with me with respect to poetry.