In his science fiction short story we will discuss an alien species that is more advanced than human civilizations, which lives underground, and under the ocean in the deepest depths.
Their species is very similar to humans, but they cannot interbreed with humans without genetic manipulation.
This other race has life-spans in excess of 800-years, or as long as they choose within that time frame.
About 10,000 years ago, this species made a deal with the humans alive back then, that they would not interfere with their civilization, and the so the humans would be allowed to live in peace on the surface of the planet.
Over the last 100 years human technology has advanced to an alarming rate.
Human technology at the current rate will be equal to that of the alien species also living on this planet within the next century.
The alien species is quite worried, because the humans are destroying their food supply and the ocean.
There are too many dead zones, and humans are fishing deeper, and collapsing the food chain.
This is especially worrisome for those civilizations which live under the ocean.
Only a very few humans today know about this alien race, and they are in very high positions in government's and in the leadership of all the major world organizations.
These humans have promised not to start a war with the alien race, and to fix the problems that mankind has created in trade for the aliens allowing humans to coexist.
Since the aliens possess advanced technology, they have far superior weaponry, and complete control of genetic material.
It wouldn't take much at all for them to create very large natural disasters, intense bio weapons which spread like the flu, and wipe out all of human civilizations here on Earth.
Or nearly all, enough for the planet to return to normal and their food supply to be restored.
The human leaders cannot tell of this alien race or the rest of the population, and the human leadership is losing control and can no longer keep their promises to the aliens.
Therefore, the aliens have attacked BP's deep Horizon oil platform, and drilling operation in the Gulf of Mexico.
By strategically attacking this particular oil platform they have calculated a 92% chance that the humans will not be able to fix it in time before a giant methane burp from under the ocean floor sends out a huge cloud in the atmosphere which they can then ignite.
Also, the methane based molecules in the chemicals under the ocean will combine with the red tide off the coast of Florida, and end up in the surface ocean sea life and it will only take a few instances of fishing boats collecting only a few of these fish and putting them into the food supply to cause a runaway flesh eating bacteria, which will kill all humans and spread person to person.
The reason the aliens attacked the rig just prior to the hurricane season, was to take advantage of a naturally robust hurricane season which would spread the red tide all over the Gulf of Mexico, and which would guarantee that it enters the Atlantic loop.
Since fish which are caught in the Atlantic Ocean, are eaten from all the continents, because they are shipped throughout the world this would ensure the extinction of mankind.
The aliens say that the humans 10,000 years ago have reneged on their agreement, and the current world leadership that had promised the aliens peaceful coexistence have failed to come through on their promises.
All the militaries of the world are secretly plotting to preempt the aliens, but it may be too late anyway, and the aliens have such incredible weapons that they could cause rogue waves which would sink all the navies of the world, and wash up on the shorelines a good 20 miles along almost every coast in the world.
Therefore, it looks like preemption is not an option, and no one knows what to do.
President Obama will be briefed on this, this week, as he has been kept on a need to know basis, throughout this episode only to actually make things worse.
British Petroleum may be able to stop the oil leak, but unless the humans make good on their promises to the alien race, human beings aren't long for this world anyway.
I hope you've enjoyed today's science fiction short story.
Their species is very similar to humans, but they cannot interbreed with humans without genetic manipulation.
This other race has life-spans in excess of 800-years, or as long as they choose within that time frame.
About 10,000 years ago, this species made a deal with the humans alive back then, that they would not interfere with their civilization, and the so the humans would be allowed to live in peace on the surface of the planet.
Over the last 100 years human technology has advanced to an alarming rate.
Human technology at the current rate will be equal to that of the alien species also living on this planet within the next century.
The alien species is quite worried, because the humans are destroying their food supply and the ocean.
There are too many dead zones, and humans are fishing deeper, and collapsing the food chain.
This is especially worrisome for those civilizations which live under the ocean.
Only a very few humans today know about this alien race, and they are in very high positions in government's and in the leadership of all the major world organizations.
These humans have promised not to start a war with the alien race, and to fix the problems that mankind has created in trade for the aliens allowing humans to coexist.
Since the aliens possess advanced technology, they have far superior weaponry, and complete control of genetic material.
It wouldn't take much at all for them to create very large natural disasters, intense bio weapons which spread like the flu, and wipe out all of human civilizations here on Earth.
Or nearly all, enough for the planet to return to normal and their food supply to be restored.
The human leaders cannot tell of this alien race or the rest of the population, and the human leadership is losing control and can no longer keep their promises to the aliens.
Therefore, the aliens have attacked BP's deep Horizon oil platform, and drilling operation in the Gulf of Mexico.
By strategically attacking this particular oil platform they have calculated a 92% chance that the humans will not be able to fix it in time before a giant methane burp from under the ocean floor sends out a huge cloud in the atmosphere which they can then ignite.
Also, the methane based molecules in the chemicals under the ocean will combine with the red tide off the coast of Florida, and end up in the surface ocean sea life and it will only take a few instances of fishing boats collecting only a few of these fish and putting them into the food supply to cause a runaway flesh eating bacteria, which will kill all humans and spread person to person.
The reason the aliens attacked the rig just prior to the hurricane season, was to take advantage of a naturally robust hurricane season which would spread the red tide all over the Gulf of Mexico, and which would guarantee that it enters the Atlantic loop.
Since fish which are caught in the Atlantic Ocean, are eaten from all the continents, because they are shipped throughout the world this would ensure the extinction of mankind.
The aliens say that the humans 10,000 years ago have reneged on their agreement, and the current world leadership that had promised the aliens peaceful coexistence have failed to come through on their promises.
All the militaries of the world are secretly plotting to preempt the aliens, but it may be too late anyway, and the aliens have such incredible weapons that they could cause rogue waves which would sink all the navies of the world, and wash up on the shorelines a good 20 miles along almost every coast in the world.
Therefore, it looks like preemption is not an option, and no one knows what to do.
President Obama will be briefed on this, this week, as he has been kept on a need to know basis, throughout this episode only to actually make things worse.
British Petroleum may be able to stop the oil leak, but unless the humans make good on their promises to the alien race, human beings aren't long for this world anyway.
I hope you've enjoyed today's science fiction short story.