Pets & Animal: Feathers and Molt

Feathers and Molt

Ever wonder why birds seem to shed feathers? Why they sometimes look like feathers are missing? Why some look bright in the spring yet dull in the winter?

Pets & Animal: A Parrot's Diet

A Parrot's Diet

Parrot's needs are no different to any other creature. For them to thrive, they need to eat a healthy, yet varied diet. If your parrot lives in-doors then variety is even more important.

Pets & Animal: 3 Tips on How to Build a Bird Cage

3 Tips on How to Build a Bird Cage

Birds are living things too. They deserve a nice and comfortable home as we humans do. A proper bird cage will ensure its good health and well being.

Pets & Animal: Parrot Videos - The Online Video Site For Parrot Owners!

Parrot Videos - The Online Video Site For Parrot Owners!

Anyone that owns a bird knows just how entertaining they can be. How many times have you spent hours laughing at the funny antics or cute tricks your bird can perform? Well, now you can spend hours watching other birds perform their zany little actions too!

Pets & Animal: How to Keep Parrotlets From Biting

How to Keep Parrotlets From Biting

Despite their tiny size, parrotlets are feisty birds who can be quite bold. These energetic birds enjoy occupying themselves with toys. At times certain behavioral conditions such as inherent fear or aggression can cause your parrotlet to bite you or others. Hormonal changes occurring during molting

Pets & Animal: How to Raise Egg-Laying Hens

How to Raise Egg-Laying Hens

There are many reasons to raise your own egg-laying chickens. You may wish to save money, as raising your own chickens is very economical; you might not agree with the way commercial farms are run; or maybe you just want the fun and learning experience of raising your very own livestock. For whateve

Pets & Animal: Wood Duck Nest Box Specifications

Wood Duck Nest Box Specifications

Wood ducks are cavity-nesting ducks who most often build their nests in abandoned woodpecker holes or natural tree cavities which could have been caused by disease, fire or lighting. These ducks also use a man-made nesting box if built according to specifications that make the box similar to their

Pets & Animal: How to Make Chicken Food

How to Make Chicken Food

Many homeowners are choosing to keep chickens in their own backyard coops. The chickens are either kept for the purpose of collecting eggs as food for the family or even as pets. These novice chicken owners also learn quickly that feeding these chickens is an expensive venture. A cheaper, healthy al

Pets & Animal: Krill


Defines the term “krill” as it relates to pelagic birds.

Pets & Animal: How to Send a Chicken to Someone

How to Send a Chicken to Someone

Whether you are mailing a chicken as part of an animal-supply business or as a gift to a family member or friend, sending a live animal through the mail requires some preparation to prevent the animal's death in transit. The United States Postal Service will transport a chicken for you, as long as y

Pets & Animal: Bird-Safe Platform Feeder

Bird-Safe Platform Feeder

Review of the Bird-Safe Platform Feeder from Duncraft, a durable and versatile feeder that can instantly accommodate a hungry backyard flock.

Pets & Animal: How to Get High Points in "Angry Birds Halloween"

How to Get High Points in "Angry Birds Halloween"

"Angry Birds Halloween" is one of the themed worlds in the "Angry Birds Seasons" video game that's periodically updated throughout the year. The Halloween world has 45 levels to play. Some of the higher levels are challenging, making it difficult to get a high score. But if you p

Pets & Animal: How to Build an A-Frame Barn Owl Nest Box

How to Build an A-Frame Barn Owl Nest Box

Owls are serious, majestic birds that fascinate many people. Landowners across the country put up nesting boxes to attract these nocturnal birds, both for bird watching and to control rodents in the area. When you're building an owl box, an A-frame design is one of several possible choices.

Pets & Animal: How to Make a Nest for a Finch

How to Make a Nest for a Finch

Finches do not make nests for shelter; their natural behavior is to live in shrubbery and trees. The only reason finches build or adopt a nest is when they are in the mood to make little finches. They mate and lay eggs in the spring and fall seasons. Some finches mate during both these seasons; most

Pets & Animal: What Are the Top Ten Talking Birds?

What Are the Top Ten Talking Birds?

A talking bird can be a great companion; they develop their own personalities and have favorite words and phrases that they use at appropriate and, often, inappropriate times. There are several different bird species that are known for their ability to learn to talk; the key word is learn, you must

Pets & Animal: How to Download the Angry Birds Game for the Nook Color

How to Download the Angry Birds Game for the Nook Color

"Angry Birds" has become a popular game worldwide and can be downloaded to play on Barnes and Noble's Nook Color device. With a large screen and long-lasting battery, the Nook Color is suitable for the instant, bird-flinging gratification the game offers. Available in the Nook store, "Angry Birds" i

Pets & Animal: Cactus Wren

Cactus Wren

Detailed bird profile of the cactus wren: appearance, foods, habitat, behavior and reproduction. Includes conservation information and tips for how to see and attract cactus wrens.

Pets & Animal: Small Bird Cages - A Cheaper Solution to House Your Bird

Small Bird Cages - A Cheaper Solution to House Your Bird

With so many options available when looking for a bird cage, it can be hard to establish which size is the right size for you and your bird. A small bird cage may be what you need to keep your wallet happy and meet your space needs.These cages are typically cheaper than larger bird cages simply beca

Pets & Animal: Get to Know the Rose Breasted Cockatoo

Get to Know the Rose Breasted Cockatoo

Rose Breasted Cockatoos, or Galah Cockatoos, are popular pets. If you want a Rose Breasted Cockatoo, look here first for information on the Rose Breasted Cockatoo's temperament, dietary and housing requirements, and more!

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