The Baby Season
Summer is the baby season for many birds, when parent birds are diligently raising their young, with often more than one brood to care for. Understanding the needs of baby birds can let you help those parents successfully nurture every chick.
Summer Field Birding Tips
Summer may seem too hot to head out birding, but it can be a great time to see birds in their bright breeding plumage as they tend their nests and care for their chicks. These tips can help you enjoy going birding in the summer and see more birds even on the hottest days.
Backyard Birding in Summer
Backyards can be welcome sanctuaries for summer birds, especially if the yard is bird-friendly and a great place to raise chicks. Is your backyard ready for summer birds?
Feeding Summer Birds
While natural foods are plentiful in summer, backyard feeders can be a quick source of a snack for frantic parent birds. If your feeders are safe, clean and freshly filled, you will love the visits from parents teaching their youngsters to feed.
Summer Birds to Watch For
Summer is a season of many beautiful birds, and it's a great time to look for colorful species to add to your life list. Which of these summer birds will brighten your season?
Fun With Summer Birds
With the long days of summer at hand, there is plenty of time for more fun projects, games and activities about our feathered friends. Get out there and enjoy your summer birds!