- In its natural form, the Gouldian finch has exceptionally bright plumage. Males have a deep red, yellow or orange face, black chin, turquoise throat and crown, and a green nape and back. The male's upper chest is almost purple and their lower chest is golden. Females have a paler coloring, although the same color pattern as the males. Several different color patterns, called mutations, are a result of captive breeding and are available in the pet trade.
- Wild Gouldian finches are found in northern Australia. According to authors Christa Koepff and April Romagnano, a veterinarian, in "The Finch Handbook," their natural range includes some of the hottest regions of Australia. They stick to habitats with grasslands and eucalyptus trees.
- Gouldian finches live in flocks in the wild, and likewise do best housed with others as pets. They tend to be calm and gentle birds. This makes them compatible with other non-aggressive species of finches. They are also quiet birds, it can even be difficult to hear them singing and chirping.
- Gouldian finches eat seeds, termites, beetles and spiders in the wild according to Koepff and Romagnano. When kept as pets, they need a similar diet to meet their nutritional needs. Pet owners should feed a canary seed mix, freshly grown grass and millet seeds, boiled eggs and mealworms. A.J. Mobbs, in "The Complete Book of Australian Finches" also recommends feeding leafy greens and grit stating that mineralized grit is a favorite of Gouldian finches. Formulated pelleted food can also be added to their daily diet.
- Ideally, these finches should be kept large cages or aviaries that allow them to fly and exercise. Otherwise, they tend to have health problems state Koepff and Romagnano. A section of their cage or aviary needs to provide them with cover to hide or they may become stressed. Plants and small trees in the aviary or placing a sheet over a section of the cage works well.
Native Range
Pet Housing