Pets & Animal Pets Birds

How To Fix Your Parrot"s Problems - Parrot Behavior Training

If you are a parrot owner, maybe you have a lot of problems with your bird pet.
It is possible that your parrot, parakeet or cockatiel bites you or attacks anyone that comes near its cage.
Whatever the case, we are always facing a "behavior problem" that can be fixed with the correct behaviour training.
If you were already thinking that your wild parrot had no cure for its mean attitude, screaming all day long, biting you or your family and behaving like if it was just taken from the wild forest, I can tell you there is a cure for your parrot's mean behaviour.
The key element here is discipline.
A well trained parrot will be a happier parrot, and its interaction with its owner, the family and other pets will also be easier and in a smooth mood.
Another very important thing to consider is the owner's attitude.
Without realizing, you can influence in a very important way your parrot's behaviour.
If you are angry, your parrot will also behave that way, so you should first of all make sure that you are well rested and calm before you attempt any kind of training with your parrot.
This will ensure a pleasant and happy experience for both your parrot and you, its owner.
In many occasions, the way to face behavior problems is also a matter of your parrot trusting you or not.
I can give you a couple of advices or tips so you can get your parrot, parakeet or cockatiel to trust you a little bit more than it usually does.
- Hand Treats - Move slowly and offer your bird a treat in your hand.
If you do this, you will be teaching your bird pet how to trust you.
This simple strategy will bring a lot of positive attitude in order to change any unwanted parrot behavior.
- Step up Training - The following strategy you need to teach to your bird pet is to step up onto your hand when you say the words "step up".
The first time you try this gently press against your parrot's belly at the same time you say "step up" clear and slow.
It is very important that you keep repeating these words and pressing the parrot's belly until is steps into your hand.
Talking is another key element in a parrot's behaviour training.
You should start with a simple "hello" and stay repeating the same word constantly until your pet repeats the word clearly.
Only after the first word is already learnt and spoken clearly you will keep teaching the second word, and so on.
You have to be constant and patient.
Your parrot will feel it and will become more and more trustful and careful towards you.
Just to give you an example, a 19 minute lesson, once per day during 2 weeks is enough to change an unwanted and wildbe havior in a parrot, parakeet or cockatiel.
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