The largest wren in North America and the state bird of Arizona, the cactus wren is often mistaken for a thrasher with its ground-foraging behavior and tendency to run rather than fly when threatened or startled. A closer look, however, easily reveals its relationships to other wrens in proportions, markings and noisy vocabulary.
Common Name:
Cactus Wren
Scientific Name:
Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus
Scientific Family:
- Bill: Long, dark but paler on the lower mandible, slightly decurved
- Size: 8-9 inches long with 10-11-inch wingspan, large head, long tail, bulky build
- Colors: White, buff, brown, black, red-brown, gray-black
- Markings: Genders are similar with a dark brown crown that contrasts sharply with the long, thick, white eyebrow. The white chin and malar stripes frame a variable black throat that extends to heavy black spotting or streaking on the breast and lighter spotting on the buff underparts. The darkness of the underparts may vary from a light creamy white to deeper orange-buff. The upperparts are mottled brown and black with thin white streaking, and dark barring is clearly visible on the wings. The tail has black and white barring on the underside with thin white tips on all feathers, and the undertail coverts are buff with black spots. The eyes are red-brown and the legs and feet are gray-black.
Juveniles are similar to adults but have much less extensive black spotting on the underparts, particularly on the breast.
Insects, fruit, amphibians, nectar, seeds (See: Insectivorous)
Habitat and Migration:
These large wrens prefer arid habitats such as semi-desert, desert scrub and full desert regions, particularly where cacti are abundant and much of the ground is covered with gravel. These birds do not migrate, and their year round range extends from southern California through the southern tip of Nevada, southwestern Arizona, southern New Mexico and southwestern Texas, continuing south into northern and central Mexico as well as Baja California.
These wrens have a relatively large repertoire of harsh, raspy calls, including a "tek-tek-tek" series of syllables and a harsh "raaack" croak. Other calls include growls, squeals and buzzing. The typical song is an evenly spaced, single pitched "churr-churr-churr-churr" series that is slightly slower at the beginning of the song but even through the middle and end of each repetition.
Cactus wrens are typically found in pairs or small family groups, and they are most active directly on the ground or low in shrubs as they forage, though they may perch higher up for better visibility. The will walk or hop and may run when startled rather than take flight. While foraging, they glean insects not only from rocks but also from branches and shrubbery. Unlike other wrens, these birds do not usually hold their tails cocked upward, but they are just as inquisitive as their smaller cousins and often seem unafraid or unconcerned when humans are nearby.
These are monogamous birds. The male will build a dome-shaped nest of stems, grasses and similar material lined with feathers and fur with a tunnel-like entrance on the side. The nest is usually positioned in the narrow fork of a cactus where the plant's spines provide an extra deterrent to potential predators, though cactus wrens are aggressive when guarding their nesting sites and will mob intruders to drive them away. Some nesting birds may take advantage of old woodpecker holes.
The oval-shaped eggs are a pinkish color with red or brownish specks that are often more heavily concentrated at the larger end of the egg. There are 2-7 eggs laid per brood, and one pair of cactus wrens may lay 2-3 broods annually. The female parent incubates the eggs for 15-17 days, and both parents feed the altricial young for 19-23 days after hatching until they are ready to leave the nest.
After the young birds have left the nest, the parents may continue using the old nest as a roosting site.
Attracting Cactus Wrens:
Though these birds are widespread they can be relatively uncommon. They are typically unafraid of humans and will visit backyards where the habitat is appropriate, especially if ground feeders offer treats such as bread or apple slices. Preserving native cacti in landscaping can also provide these birds with suitable nesting sites.
While the cactus wren is not considered threatened or endangered, continuing development of desert areas for housing, golf courses and other uses is fragmenting this species' habitat and causing some population declines, particularly in California and Texas. Preserving connected tracts of desert habitat will help preserve cactus wrens, and encouraging native landscaping and xeriscaping in suburban areas can also be helpful.
Similar Birds:
- Rock Wren (Salpinctes obsoletus)
- Sage Thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus)
Photo – Cactus Wren © Ed Schneider