- 1). Open Nook Color's Quick Nav Bar, and select "Shop" from the available options.
- 2). Browse through the available application listings by category or select "See All" for a complete listing of applications.
If you prefer a direct search to browsing, then select "Discover More Nook Apps" at the top of the Nook Color screen. Select "Search Shop" at the bottom of the page and type in "Angry Birds." An "Angry Birds" icon will appear on the screen. - 3). Tap the "Angry Birds" icon to view information about the application. Select the price icon to see the game's price. Tap the "Confirm" button to download "Angry Birds." The application will download and install on Nook Color immediately.
"Angry Birds" will appear in the Daily Shelf on Nook Color's home screen as well as in its Apps section.