Pets & Animal: How to Get More Bird Nests in Runescape

How to Get More Bird Nests in Runescape

Runescape players can get bird nests by chopping down trees and waiting for the nests to appear on the ground. Sometimes this can take a long time and players have to chop down dozens of trees before getting a single bird nest. If you want to get a bird nest in Runescape faster, there are two differ

Pets & Animal: How to Determine the Sex of Baby Chickens

How to Determine the Sex of Baby Chickens

Determining the sex of baby chickens can be very important for some people. Those living in cities with ordinances regarding roosters and sound restrictions need to deal with their male population and move elsewhere so they don't get into trouble. Farmers also need to separate the sexes as soon as p

Pets & Animal: How Do I Handle a Broody Hen?

How Do I Handle a Broody Hen?

A broody hen is very single-minded, wanting to sit on eggs constantly whether the eggs are fertilized or not. Hens when broody will sometimes pull out breast feathers to feather the nest and even become aggressive to anyone who comes near the nest box. They can get loose stools from holding eliminat

Pets & Animal: How to Take Care of Your Parrot

How to Take Care of Your Parrot

A lot of people today prefer to have a parrot as their pet. Having a pet is such a wonderful idea. It is fun to imagine that you are feeding and cuddling your pet and do some enjoying and crazy stuff with them. Keeping a pet in your home is good since it kind of obliges you to some responsibility es

Pets & Animal: Avian Degenerative Joint Disease

Avian Degenerative Joint Disease

Both young and older birds can suffer from joint problems such as degenerative joint disease. This condition is also known as degenerative arthritis, osteoarthritis or simply arthritis. There are many causes of avian arthritis and even some treatments available to help birds with this condition.

Pets & Animal: What Is the Difference Between 12x50 & 10x50 Binoculars?

What Is the Difference Between 12x50 & 10x50 Binoculars?

Binoculars vary in optical quality and mechanical quality -- how well-made the lenses are, how well the binoculars are put together and how smoothly they focus. Binoculars are often described with two numbers with an "x" in between, such as "12 x 50" or "10 x 50."

Pets & Animal: How To Fix Your Parrot's Problems - Parrot Behavior Training

How To Fix Your Parrot's Problems - Parrot Behavior Training

If you are a parrot owner, maybe you have a lot of problems with your bird pet. It is possible that your parrot, parakeet or cockatiel bites you or attacks anyone that comes near its cage. Whatever the case, we are always facing a "behavior problem" that can be fixed with the correct behav

Pets & Animal: Selecting the Correct Parrot Cage For the African Grey Parrot

Selecting the Correct Parrot Cage For the African Grey Parrot

Buying a parrot can be considered to be a long term investment so it makes sense to house that investment properly. Parrots can live for anything up to 80 years and just like his owners may move house several times so choosing the most appropriate house for him is important.

Pets & Animal: Parakeet Beak Trimming and Care

Parakeet Beak Trimming and Care

Unlike birds in the wild, pet birds, such as parakeets, live in caged environments that consist of perches, cage bars and swings. These surfaces in the cage are normally smooth. As a result, when the parakeets rub their beaks against these surfaces, they have no effect on their beaks, which tend to

Pets & Animal: African Grey Parrots

African Grey Parrots

Are you looking for a pet that is at once out of the ordinary, while fitting perfectly into a mature family? Are you looking for African Grey Parrots for sale?

Pets & Animal: Gouldian Finch Information

Gouldian Finch Information

Whether they know what type of finch they are looking at or not, most people would recognize a Gouldian finch (Chloebia gouldiae). Their bright eye-catching colors have made them popular as a pet finch as well as for use in advertising. Knowing about their natural life in the wild helps pet owners b

Pets & Animal: Are Your Bird Houses Being Used?

Are Your Bird Houses Being Used?

Have you taken the time to go buy some decorative bird houses for the birds in and around your yard only to find the birds aren't living in them? So let's take a closer look at the bird houses you have bought. Are the bird houses the right size for the types of birds you want to live in th

Pets & Animal: Nest Fell Down? Learn How to Help!

Nest Fell Down? Learn How to Help!

Learn when and how to safely help a damaged bird nest, including what to do if the nesting site is no longer safe.

Pets & Animal: How to Fight the Winter Blues by Raising a Canary As a Pet

How to Fight the Winter Blues by Raising a Canary As a Pet

A lot of people think about getting a bird as a pet, but sometimes they make a mistake and choose the wrong type of bird, only to regret their decision and end up selling or giving the bird away later. Usually the reasons for regretting the type of bird chosen, is the noise the bird makes or the amo

Pets & Animal: What Kinds of Habitats Do Foxes Live in?

What Kinds of Habitats Do Foxes Live in?

In North America, five species of foxes exist, with ranges and habitats, in some instances, overlapping. Belonging to the Canidae family, foxes possess varied diets and often cover large distances in the areas in which they live in search of food. Some of these species are very successful, having lo

Pets & Animal: How To Train Your Bird To Learn Tricks

How To Train Your Bird To Learn Tricks

You should start the training session by socializing with your pet. Just like humans, birds learn much more quickly if they are engaged and enjoying themselves. For your bird to have fun, you shouldn't work with him or her, if you are in a bad mood or overly tired. Your attitude will negatively

Pets & Animal: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Bottlebrush Play Gyms

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Bottlebrush Play Gyms

Parrot owners are very concerned about their birds so they carefully choose their water to be clean, they look after their parrot's diet and they try to find the best available toys in the market. But they should not forget one also very important thing which they may overlook.

Pets & Animal: Different Kinds of Large Birds

Different Kinds of Large Birds

Birds have existed for more than 140 million years--far, far longer than human beings have.Birds of prey image by Warren Millar from Fotolia.comBirds are vertebrates since they have a backbone. Feathers cover the body of birds instead of skin or fur, as with some other animals. Bird...

Pets & Animal: How to Help a Duck With a Broken Ankle

How to Help a Duck With a Broken Ankle

If you see a duck with a potentially broken ankle, you should act immediately. If a duck is wounded, it can become infected and cause the duck to die. While you should immediately speak to a trained professional, in the meantime you can do some first aid on the duck that will help to calm it down an

Pets & Animal: How to Care for Snowy Mallards

How to Care for Snowy Mallards

Snowy mallards are a domestic variety of the common mallard duck. With the exception of Muscovy ducks, all domestic ducks are descended from mallards. This breed retains the typical mallard coloration on its head, throat and back with a few mottled white feathers, a white band around its neck, and d