Parrot owners are very concerned about their birds so they carefully choose their water to be clean, they look after their parrot's diet and they try to find the best available toys in the market.
But they should not forget one also very important thing which they may overlook.
These important things are their perches.
In the market you can find perches made of cold, smooth, hard wood which is extremely difficult for the parrots to grasp so they could be the reason for foot cramping or beak injuries because birds also want to chew the perch.
What other alternatives do they have? The best is undoubtedly Bella Birdco Bottlebrush Play Gyms and Perches! Bottlebrush is made of comfortable wood which is soft outside and hard inside so there is no risk for your bird to injure its feet or beak.
This type of wood is perfect for gnawing or chewing, these two very important procedures for your bird to be healthy.
There are a lot of benefits which Bella Birdco Bottlebrush Play Gyms and Perches have.
They are designed to be comfortable for your parrots inside and outside the cage, as parrots spend whole day on their feet and they should feel very well on their perches.
Bella Birdco has built thousands and thousands of floor gyms, bolt- on Bird Cage Bottlebrush Perches and Hanging Bird Gyms.
What makes Bottlebrush stuff so great? If you want to see the advantages of Bottlebrush stands for your parrot, first you should understand the disadvantages of the other types of wood which you can find on the market.
The most popular is Manzanita which grows abundantly in desert areas of Nevada.
Nevertheless it looks beautiful and hard it is slippery for the birds and they can't hold on it.
Some producers have tried to sort this out by sand blasting for rough texture and clean look so parrots can grip easily.
The real problem with Manzanita is it is very tough and you should not forget the fact that parrots naturally want to chew.
They become soon frustrated when they try to chew Manzanita wood which is so hard that they are not able to break it.
There is even a risk for your parrot to injure its beak.
Shopping centers, apartment communities and office buildings usually use Bottlebrush as it is landscaping tree.
They import it from Australia.
In the nature there are a few spices of this tree but only one is really safe for the birds.
It is harvested, inspected, sanitized and cleaned by Bella Birdco in order to produce really safe perches for your bird.
Why does Bottlebrush Play Gyms do all this? Because they want the ideal wood for your birds! Bottlebrush Play Gym and Perches have two layers which is not common for the other wood.
The outer bark is easy to chew, soft and comfortable for your parrot to stand on it.
Bella Birdco Bottlebrush Play Gym, Perches and Bird Toys are designed to satisfy your parrot natural needs.
Its bark is ideal for chewing.
The other layer is hard which is inside.
This inner layer will never injure your bird and it allows it to gnaw on it.
It is tough but not too hard and the beak of your bird will not be damaged but it will be conditioned and shaped.
You should realize how important for your parrot is to groom its beak.
Bella Birdco Bottlebrush Play Gym, Perches and Bird Toys solve this problem with chewing and gnawing.
But they should not forget one also very important thing which they may overlook.
These important things are their perches.
In the market you can find perches made of cold, smooth, hard wood which is extremely difficult for the parrots to grasp so they could be the reason for foot cramping or beak injuries because birds also want to chew the perch.
What other alternatives do they have? The best is undoubtedly Bella Birdco Bottlebrush Play Gyms and Perches! Bottlebrush is made of comfortable wood which is soft outside and hard inside so there is no risk for your bird to injure its feet or beak.
This type of wood is perfect for gnawing or chewing, these two very important procedures for your bird to be healthy.
There are a lot of benefits which Bella Birdco Bottlebrush Play Gyms and Perches have.
They are designed to be comfortable for your parrots inside and outside the cage, as parrots spend whole day on their feet and they should feel very well on their perches.
Bella Birdco has built thousands and thousands of floor gyms, bolt- on Bird Cage Bottlebrush Perches and Hanging Bird Gyms.
What makes Bottlebrush stuff so great? If you want to see the advantages of Bottlebrush stands for your parrot, first you should understand the disadvantages of the other types of wood which you can find on the market.
The most popular is Manzanita which grows abundantly in desert areas of Nevada.
Nevertheless it looks beautiful and hard it is slippery for the birds and they can't hold on it.
Some producers have tried to sort this out by sand blasting for rough texture and clean look so parrots can grip easily.
The real problem with Manzanita is it is very tough and you should not forget the fact that parrots naturally want to chew.
They become soon frustrated when they try to chew Manzanita wood which is so hard that they are not able to break it.
There is even a risk for your parrot to injure its beak.
Shopping centers, apartment communities and office buildings usually use Bottlebrush as it is landscaping tree.
They import it from Australia.
In the nature there are a few spices of this tree but only one is really safe for the birds.
It is harvested, inspected, sanitized and cleaned by Bella Birdco in order to produce really safe perches for your bird.
Why does Bottlebrush Play Gyms do all this? Because they want the ideal wood for your birds! Bottlebrush Play Gym and Perches have two layers which is not common for the other wood.
The outer bark is easy to chew, soft and comfortable for your parrot to stand on it.
Bella Birdco Bottlebrush Play Gym, Perches and Bird Toys are designed to satisfy your parrot natural needs.
Its bark is ideal for chewing.
The other layer is hard which is inside.
This inner layer will never injure your bird and it allows it to gnaw on it.
It is tough but not too hard and the beak of your bird will not be damaged but it will be conditioned and shaped.
You should realize how important for your parrot is to groom its beak.
Bella Birdco Bottlebrush Play Gym, Perches and Bird Toys solve this problem with chewing and gnawing.