Pets & Animal: Diet of Canaries

Diet of Canaries

The canary is a small bird named after the Canary Islands. It and the Canary Island Date Palm are symbols of the Canary Islands. The canary sold in pet stores is a domesticated version originally bred by monks for its voice. Miners used them to detect gas in coal mines; they acted as miniature early

Pets & Animal: What Is The Perfect Parrot?

What Is The Perfect Parrot?

This is a very ethereal term. How do you approach this question? To some the perfect parrot is one that has all the good attributes with none of the negatives associated with parrot ownership. We would all like the parrot to raise itself, take care of food requirements and clean out its cage on its

Pets & Animal: Fun Things to Do With Your African Grey Parrot

Fun Things to Do With Your African Grey Parrot

Know when is the time to give your parrot a break from training and breeding and just give the bird some social time with its master. Spend the day with your parrot doing fun stuff, like playing and splashing around in the water. Believe me, your parrot will thank you for it.

Pets & Animal: Have a Parrot Behaviour Issue?

Have a Parrot Behaviour Issue?

Parrots can be truly wonderful pets to own, they are stunning to look at, they are highly intelligent and they can entertain you with their excellent mimicking skills. They can also be aggressive, destructive, noisy and very disobedient.

Pets & Animal: Care & Feeding of Cockatoos

Care & Feeding of Cockatoos

Cockatoos are known for being affectionate, smart and loyal parrots. These birds are also known for the being the loudest of all parrots and perhaps the most the demanding of their caretakers. Cockatoos scream to communicate and need lots of attention and playtime. With proper care, cockatoos can li

Pets & Animal: Budgies As Buddies - What to Expect With a Budgerigar As a Pet Bird

Budgies As Buddies - What to Expect With a Budgerigar As a Pet Bird

Budgies, formally known as Budgerigars, are one of the most popular species of pet birds. Here in the United States they are more popularly known as parakeets and are usually green with black stripes on their wings and toward the back of their heads. If you're considering adopting a Budgie, her

Pets & Animal: How to Build a Guinea Fowl House

How to Build a Guinea Fowl House

Guinea fowl are useful birds to keep, particularly for meat or for insect control. Their needs in a shelter are similar to such farm poultry as chickens or turkeys. You can easily adapt a chicken coop design to house guineas if you keep in mind a few key differences. Guineas need coop training and r

Pets & Animal: "Rawrgles", owned by @RAWRgles

"Rawrgles", owned by @RAWRgles

Photo gallery of pet birds owned by Twitter users. Add your bird's photo to the gallery by tweeting it to @AboutPetBirds!

Pets & Animal: Signs That a Hen Has Gone Broody

Signs That a Hen Has Gone Broody

A broody hen is a hen who has decided it is time to sit on the nest and hatch a few eggs. If you are breeding chickens, a broody hen is vital for incubating a nest full of eggs. If you are raising chickens to harvest the eggs only, a broody hen can disrupt the laying cycle of the whole coop. In eith

Pets & Animal: The Northern Male and Female Cardinal

The Northern Male and Female Cardinal

The Northern Cardinal habitat is tree, forest, shrubs and Parks. They are known for been territorial birds. When their territory is established, they protect it against other birds and they don&#0

Pets & Animal: Bird Breeding Products

Bird Breeding Products

If you're looking to expand your pet birds' family, considering breeding a pair. From parakeets to parrots, many pet bird species will reproduce in captivity when provided the necessary materials. Give your birds a safe place to lay eggs, as well as proper nutrition, caging and lighting, and they w

Pets & Animal: How to Name a Parakeet

How to Name a Parakeet

Parakeets originated in Australia and the name is actually an umbrella term for the small or medium type of bright colored bird, related to the parrot. Parakeets are intelligent, active, friendly and easy to care for. Parakeets can also learn how to speak and perform tricks. There are several differ

Pets & Animal: Cockatiel Egg Fostering

Cockatiel Egg Fostering

Time will come where dire situations will push you to take emergency steps to save your cockatiel eggs. Some, especially young parents will abandoned the eggs. The sudden absence or death of one parent will also lead the total abandonment of the clutch.

Pets & Animal: What is a Dolphin's Life Span?

What is a Dolphin's Life Span?

Dolphins can live about 50 years at the outside. For reasons unclear to scientists, they usually have a lifespan of only about half that, even when living in marine parks and zoos with excellent veterinary care and protection from predators. Many different factors cause dolphins to live a shorter

Pets & Animal: Canary Eye Infection

Canary Eye Infection

Canaries rely on their accurate eyesight to find food and avoid dangers. When a canary develops an eye infection, it becomes vulnerable. Proper treatment is required to nurse the canary back to health.

Pets & Animal: Hummingbird Breeding Behavior

Hummingbird Breeding Behavior

Hummingbirds have complicated courting rituals that can include dancing, diving, showing off feathers and singing. Often, it's up to the male to attract the female and up to the female to decide if she'll mate with him. After mating, the male will often mate with other females. The female builds a n

Pets & Animal: About Turkey Pens

About Turkey Pens

The wild turkey is native to North America and it's meat is a traditional main course for Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey pens are similar to chicken coops, because they provide protection and shelter for birds.