Pets & Animal: How to Test Chicken Feed for Salmonella

How to Test Chicken Feed for Salmonella

The contamination of salmonella in chicken feed could occur if the feed were dropped on the ground where chickens once lived and pooped. Salmonella naturally occurs in nature and lives in the intestines of warm- and cold-blooded animals including chickens. Salmonella is therefore found in the soil o

Pets & Animal: Autumn Birding

Autumn Birding

Everything you need to know about autumn birding, from fall migration to seasonal backyard birding tips to how to make the most of every autumn birding opportunity you have.

Pets & Animal: A Good Source of Information on Gouldian Finches

A Good Source of Information on Gouldian Finches

Gouldian Finches are native to the northerly part of the Australia, and since the 1960s, Australia has banned the exporting of creatures in these areas. While today these Finches are jeopardized in their natural home, there are enough still available as pets. These magnificently coloured finches can

Pets & Animal: Breeding Finches Information

Breeding Finches Information

If you plan on getting finches and having them breed you will need to first provide them with a nest. Many finch experts will tell you that store bought nests are best for finches. Generally it is best to give your adult finches the same type of nest they were bred in although some finches will pref

Pets & Animal: How to Breed Broiler Birds

How to Breed Broiler Birds

Broiler birds, or chickens that are raised for the meat they produce, are a major challenge to breed if you don't know the proper method. The reason for this is that broiler chickens are bred for size, and a full size broiler chicken will not be able to mate, due to size. The trick is cutting back o

Pets & Animal: Wild Birds of the Northeast USA

Wild Birds of the Northeast USA

Bird watching--or birding for short--is the process in which an individual identifies birds without the help of a guide, books or photographs. Birding can be done either by listening to bird calls or by identifying birds through the use of sight. Each region of the world has its own 'regulars' withi

Pets & Animal: How to Build a Chicken Egg Catcher

How to Build a Chicken Egg Catcher

If you have multiple chickens, you may spend a great deal of time sifting through nesting material to find the eggs in your nesting boxes. Save yourself a great deal of time and effort by making your own chicken egg catchers that you can attach to the nesting boxes you already have. By using chicken

Pets & Animal: What Is a Duck's Diet?

What Is a Duck's Diet?

Not all ducks have the same diet, so learning to identify a species of duck will help determine what the bird feeds on. In the wild, ducks can be found in freshwater ponds, rivers and lakes, as well as on coastal waters.

Pets & Animal: How to Keep Squirrels Out of the Bird Feeder

How to Keep Squirrels Out of the Bird Feeder

Squirrels are notorious for invading bird feeders. Not only do they rob birds of food, they monopolize the feeder and often damage feeder parts as well. Although some people find success with erecting special squirrel feeders located some distance from bird feeders, this is often ineffective and sim

Pets & Animal: How to Find Birds Far From Home

How to Find Birds Far From Home

Tips for how to find good birding locations on vacation or otherwise while traveling. Includes online resources for researching birding travel.

Pets & Animal: How to Choose the Right Sized Perch For Your Bird

How to Choose the Right Sized Perch For Your Bird

Choosing the right size perch for your bird is very important for the birds happiness and health. Bird owners often choose bird perches that are cheap and available without giving it much thought. But the diameter and surface of the perch is important for the bird who will be spending most of its li

Pets & Animal: The Diet of Wild Ducks

The Diet of Wild Ducks

Much like humans, most wild ducks are omnivores, which means they require a mixed diet of both plant and animal material. This varied diet provides them with a balanced range of nutrients, allowing them to thrive and remain healthy. However, a few species of wild ducks are exclusively herbivores (ea

Pets & Animal: Fallon Birding Hotspots

Fallon Birding Hotspots

The top 5 birding hotspots near Fallon, Nevada. From these locations, birders can expect to see dozens of species of waterfowl, shorebirds, songbirds, waders and raptors, all within a reasonable radius.

Pets & Animal: How to Shower a Parrot

How to Shower a Parrot

Parrots have the tendency to build up a lot of dust and dander on their feathers, which results in the particles being spread throughout your furniture and carpeting. Sometimes they can even develop an odor. these problems can be corrected by offering them a nice, warm shower. Not all parrots will l

Pets & Animal: Underneath Bird Feeder

Underneath Bird Feeder

Review of the Underneath Bird Feeder from Duncraft, an innovative design to offer fresh, dry seed to small birds and keep squirrels away.

Pets & Animal: Choosing The Right Parrot

Choosing The Right Parrot

Buying a pet parrot? There are factors to consider first before you visit the pet store. Iron out these issues and make the right decision to prevent heartaches which you don't need later on.

Pets & Animal: Diet for Elf Owls

Diet for Elf Owls

The elf owl is the smallest owl in the world, ranging in size from five to 12 inches tall with a wingspan of 15 to 16 inches. Dusk and sunset are the most active times for the elf owl, a nocturnal predator that feeds mostly on insects and spiders.

Pets & Animal: How to Build a Salatin Style Range Broiler Coop

How to Build a Salatin Style Range Broiler Coop

Joel Salatin, owner of Polyface Farms in Virginia, uses his livestock's natural foraging tendencies to raise healthy and what he calls "beyond organic" cows, chickens, turkeys, pigs and rabbits. Salatin lets his chickens clean the pasture after his cows have grazed for a day the same way a flock of

Pets & Animal: Crafts With Bird Feed

Crafts With Bird Feed

Children enjoy making pine cone bird feeders.Birds and a Frosty Winter Morning image by Lauren O from Fotolia.comCraft projects involving bird feed can be useful learning experiences for young children, and they can also be a lot of fun. Projects that involve making food or homes for the...