- To create a comfortable breeding environment for birds, provide the animals with a cage large enough to allow them some flight. Flying is an important way to keep the birds healthy and happy, which is vital if you want them to breed. Don't clip the birds' wings while you're trying to breed them. They need their wings for exercise, but also to help them keep balance when mating.
- A nesting box is essential when breeding birds. This covered compartment will provide a sanctuary for the animals during the breeding process. The birds will know they have a safe place to lay their eggs, and will therefore be more willing to mate and reproduce. This box should be made from wood. Unlike metal or plastic, the natural material will hold warmth and moisture in the box during egg incubation. Check with a bird specialist to understand the best cage location for the nesting box for your species of bird.
- Provide all-natural bedding materials when breeding birds. This material, typically made of cotton thread fibers, will help satisfy the birds' nest-building instincts. Once bedding materials are provided, you can watch birds decorate their nest by arranging and rearranging the material. Additionally, this nesting material will provide security and warmth for the eggs once they're laid.
- Trick the birds into thinking it's springtime (their mating season) any time of the year with the use of an ultraviolet light. Hang the light above the cage and have it turned on for about 16 hours a day. These warm and bright rays will make the birds feel like it's time breed. Additionally, a UVB light will help the birds produce vitamin D, which keeps them healthy and assists with calcium absorption.
- Feed your birds a high-energy breeder formula to promote mating. This mixture should be fortified with minerals and vitamins, including protein and calcium. By providing this formula in their diet, birds will be able to gain needed weight after breeding. Avoid feeding the birds seed diets because they are typically high in fat and don't have all the needed nutrients.
Nesting Box
Nesting Materials