Health & Medical: Nutrition and Its Importance In Creating That Ripped Physique

Nutrition and Its Importance In Creating That Ripped Physique

It would be great if pumping weights and working-out were the only requirements needed for building muscle mass and creating a god-like ripped physique. However, this is not case, achieving such goals is only possible when your workouts are coupled with a nutritional diet. When it comes to men'

Health & Medical: Living and Raw Food Diets

Living and Raw Food Diets

Evidence has shown that unheated plant-based foods are known to carry more of the food's essence within them. They contain a wider range of essential food nutrients with live enzymes that aid food nutrient absorption. The usual raw food selection include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts

Health & Medical: Convenience Can Lead to Poor Nutrition

Convenience Can Lead to Poor Nutrition

America's overweight epidemic is being caused in a large part by its consumption of calorie-dense, nutrient sparse snack foods. Snack foods such as pastries, chips, candies, gums, and sodas are sold instores everywhere. In addition to supermarkets and grocery stores, you will find them in gas s

Health & Medical: And That's The Bottom Line!

And That's The Bottom Line!

What pops into our minds when we hear the term "Bottom Line"? We usually think of the bottom line as being the last word, the final say, the ultimate in something. Bottom Line Secrets is a company that does exactly that.

Health & Medical: The Benefits of Raw Food and Juicing

The Benefits of Raw Food and Juicing

This article discusses "dead" foods and the Standard American Diet (SAD) and explores the health benefits of converting to a lifestyle of living, raw foods and juicing.

Health & Medical: orange juice is very good oitment for wrinkles

orange juice is very good oitment for wrinkles

Today in this modern era and fast moving life wrinkles are most common problem finding in the women's, but everyone wants to do anything they can so that they don't look old.Wrinkles

Health & Medical: Why Protein Is Used

Why Protein Is Used

Physical fitness and bodybuilding is all about demonstrating that you have the perfect body and you have perfect control over it too. It is very important that the body is supported with precise contr

Health & Medical: Avoid Calories by Smart Snacking

Avoid Calories by Smart Snacking

An important part of any diet, or weight loss plan, is snacking. Proper snacking will keep blood sugar levels even and will help to supplement your diet with nutrition. Snacking smart will help you to avoid overeating because you will feel full and satiated.

Health & Medical: The Best Health Shakes and How They Help With Your Weight Loss Efforts

The Best Health Shakes and How They Help With Your Weight Loss Efforts

Drinking health shakes can be a great way to provide your body with good nutrition. But, there are so many shakes available today, how do you know which one is best? This article is going to talk about the best way to provide your body with healthy, natural nutrition.

Health & Medical: 5 Nutrition Mistakes To Avoid In Order To Burn Fat

5 Nutrition Mistakes To Avoid In Order To Burn Fat

Do you want to burn fat? Avoid these five nutritional mistakes: Not eating enough - Many people interested in burning fat think that they should eat less in order to burn fat. This is untrue and will leave you feeling weak and unmotivated to exercise. If you want to burn fat you need to eat enough f

Health & Medical: Acai Berries a Very Healthy Fruit

Acai Berries a Very Healthy Fruit

Acai berries are a fruit that may just be one of the healthiest fruits around. They are packed with nutrients, vitamins and they also have medicinal properties that will help you deal with several types ...

Health & Medical: Why People With Lupus Should Try the Paleo Diet

Why People With Lupus Should Try the Paleo Diet

The Paleolithic diet is one that helped the cavemen thrive in a time when food was not so easily obtained. The current paleo diet focuses on foods that are naturally available, fresh, and free of ...

Health & Medical: Healthy Eating For A Long Lasting, Healthy Life

Healthy Eating For A Long Lasting, Healthy Life

There is a misconception that our eating habits and lifestyle choices earlier in our life don't make much difference with our long term health. Some people take the attitude that "We are all going to die anyway, so why does it matter?"

Health & Medical: Calcium Supplements Linked To Heart Problems

Calcium Supplements Linked To Heart Problems

Calcium supplements have been linked to heart problems such as an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and a higher death rate. The higher the calcium intake, the greater the risks. It is interesting to note that the fact that they can cause heart attacks was discovered by accident. The research

Health & Medical: Diet, Nutrition, and Natural Health

Diet, Nutrition, and Natural Health

Our health battles everyday with numerous issues from environmental effects to food we take. To maintain health in such condition is a challenge. The first step that you can take towards healthy living includes developing ...

Health & Medical: Macronutrients References to Calculate Your Daily Intake for Muscle Gains

Macronutrients References to Calculate Your Daily Intake for Muscle Gains

Most people know about the macro-nutrients; they are an essential element for a well-balanced nutrition, but more important is to know the necessary amount of how many you should get in your daily intake so you can gain muscle this article is a quick description of each macro-nutrient and a referenc

Health & Medical: Five Foods to Lower Bad Cholesterol Naturally

Five Foods to Lower Bad Cholesterol Naturally

Not to belabor the obvious but eliminating or at least reducing the amount of high fat junk food we eat helps strengthen our heart and keeps us healthier. I know its so easy to grab a burger or a slice while on the go but the effects add up over time causing a multitude of problems down the line. Ac

Health & Medical: Healthy Eating to Support Strength Training

Healthy Eating to Support Strength Training

I promised a simple menu for a client that continues to work hard taking two steps forward at training but falls back three steps - through her eating habits - and finds no gain is accomplished. In fact, most of us struggle with the same issue. I encourage people to make a selection and commit to a